Little Dragon’s Game of Control

Qi Ri walked toward Yun Jiuge and said guiltily, "Your Highness, Goddess, I don't know where these white-bone puppets came from. The Energy Barrier didn't even make a sound."

"You must immediately send someone to check the Energy Barrier. These people have a secret way of entering the Energy Barrier. I'm afraid your king was kidnapped in this way." Yun Jiuge did not mention the matter of Demonic Blood Flower because it was no use bringing it up. These Demon Warriors had no way of dealing with it.

"I'll immediately send someone to go check. I wonder if Your Highness has found any clues about the king?" Qi Ri asked faithfully.

"I've an idea in my mind. Before that, you just have to guard the Demon Forest well." After Yun Jiuge commanded Qi Ri to strengthen the patrol along the Energy Barrier, she went through the Water Mirror to return to Zi Shang's side.

"Fan Yin is getting more and more savage," said Zi Shang, who saw those white-bone puppets earlier.