
"How was your day?" asked her therapist, Ms. Uyomi Dewy. These type of questions makes her sweat. She thinks that her therapist can read her inner thoughts.


Sitting on the black couch, Seyoo glance at the interior of the clinic. Based on the digital clock on the table, Its already 6:00 pm by the time they started the session. Seyoo travelled for 30 minutes just to attend her twice-a-month session in the relatively crowded Subaga district from her school: Kenshuwo College--- a 2.5 star rating, almost remote Art school up north, with a population of 1000 students. Even though the district is far from her dormitory, she emnake sure to find time to attend her therapy--- not for any noble or complex cause but just to connect without restriction with somebody.


Before answering that simple question, she paused, inhaled deeply then writes in her whiteboard. 'Guessed Im Ok' she wrote.


She always bring her whiteboard with a set of markers everywhere she go. This, along with her cellphone, is her means of communication to people.


" Is there any problem? is there anything that bothers you now?" the keen therapist saw her pause and asked her with concern. Not coaxing but with the tone full of patience.


Since the incident 5 years ago that shattered her life and killed her mom, she was in a constant state of trauma and episode of severe depression. The Surviving Kid, an organization who took her after the incident, subjected her for a counseling-therapy session to help her cope up with the tragedy she experienced.

Her first therapist, Dr. Aka Fuguba, took a long time to make her communicate again. She helped her tremendously in overcoming her depressive and suicidal state. She is also the one who introduce the use of whiteboard to Seyoo, which the latter adapted so well. Seyoo was so used to her therapist that when she learned that she needs to migrate to another country, she was so devastated and became unresponsive again. Only after Dr. Fuguba went personally to TSK headquarter and reassure her that she will really like her new therapist did she attend her first session with Ms. Dewy. She was very cautious and somewhat angry at first not just because she felt that Dr. Fuguba abandoned her. The truth is, she just doesn't want another person to know her tragic story and subject her to another method of treatment.

Although she was hopeless if she can like Ms. Dewy as much as she likes Dr. Fuguba, she still attended her first session. And the rest is history.

She was smitten on how emphatic her new therapist is. Like her mother whom she dearly misses, Ms Desy exudes a very understanding motherly vibes . She felt safe and secure to expressed herself in front of Ms. Dewy. For 2 years now, Ms. Dewy has been the only constant thing in her life.


Unsure how to answer the question. She wrote plainly.


"Seyoo, you know you can tell me anything, right?" clasping her hands, she looks at Seyoo and smiles.