On her way home!

Seyoo is waiting for her ride at the bus station. Behind her, the same man in the green polo gazes at her intently while checking the pages of her notebook. Each drawing, thoughts and writing of Seyoo is being revealed to this man, one page at a time. Had she been more aware of her surroundings, Seyoo will notice how long and hard he is looking at her. Unblinking eyes as if in a trance.

As the bus stopped in her direction, she straightly ride on it, tap her transport card and check where to sit. Unsurprisingly, most seats are vacant at this hour so she decided to sit at the back left corner of the bus. Thinking that it is very unlikely that someone will sit next to her---as there are more empty seats in front--- she decided to rest her tired eyes a little bit. She puts her bag pack in front, hug it tightly to make sure that no one will rob her while she's asleep. She then close her tired eyes.

The bus's smooth pace combined with her tiredness makes her doze off almost immediately. She was unaware that the man in the green polo who opts to sit at the middle portion of the vehicle at the start of their ride decided to sit next her after a minute of her dozing off. He gently extend her arms and carefully puts it around Seyoo who's heedless at the moment.


He is of regular built, 5'11 in height, square jaw and has a neat looking hair cut. His eyes is brown that is directly gazing at Seyoo at the moment. He may be considered nice looking if his eyes isn't too fierce.


Seyoo's face cringe a little. She is dreaming that she is in a long and pitch black tunnel.She tried to shout to ask for help but no words came out.

On the outside, the man felt Seyoo's trembling, so he tried putting Seyoo's head on his shoulder. That's when Seyoo woke up. Though she didnt suddenly open her eyes, she felt the nearness and the temperature of the person beside her.

As she slowly open her eyes, she first notice the lap of the man where her hand is laying, then she come to awareness on how his hand is caressing her left shoulder. She didn't move immediately but panic sets in.

'This man's touch is too intimate' she thought. 'Way, way too intimate.'

She looks around and saw that only 2 seats are occupied inside the bus. She stirs up and slowly moves her head towards the window and didn't particularly look at the man beside her. Though she felt claustrophobic --- due to his nearness--- she endures it because ahead is the familiar surrounding signufying that her place is nearing. She just wants to be insconspicious so as not to create any trouble or attention.

Her palms became sweaty as she counts the number of car outside, unsure on how to move without touching any parts of her body to the person besides her. She almost plaster herself on the window besides her to create more distance with him.Her breathing becomes shallow as she tried to supress her fear when she felt his breathing near her hair. Slowly, she felt that her body is becoming cold due to the chilling feel that she is experiencing with the man's nearness.

At last! She saw the familiar bus station near her school. She immediately and forcefully press the red button beside her to indicate to the driver that she will get off on the upcoming station. She stand up and tried so hard to distance herself to the man without looking at his direction.

Afraid that somebody may sit beside her if she chooses any of the vacant seat, she settles on standing near the driver while waiting for the bus to stop. Seyoo holds on tightly on the handrail on her left for her not to fall forward. Even when the driver looked at her questioningly, she remained standing.

Before the bus fully stopped, Seyoo tapped her card to ready herself and is already in front of the door waiting for it to open. Not minding if the door will hit her, she instantly gets off the bus and walks briskly towards her school dormitory without looking back.

When she saw up ahead the gate of her school, she involuntarily release the air in her lungs that she didn't know she's been holding since standing up on the bus. She gulps some air to clear her mind and ease out all the stressed that she felt inside the bus.

'Seyoo, it's ok now. Dont be scared.' She repeatedly say to herself to encourage her that all is well.

As she walks towards the gate, Seyoo's relax posture becomes rigid all of a sudden. She stay rooted on her spot and her face turned ashen, drained of any color.

She felt it again! That deep breathe of the man on the bus!