Seyoo's scream

"Doc, her oxygen level is decreasing. 87%, 86%, 85%"

"Doc, heart rate is increasing. Blood pressure is decreasing" the beeping sound increases and it become faster, an indication that something is wrong with the patient. The nurse reads out loud the monitoring device in quick succession.

Dr. Mihano look at the new doctor on the other side of the bed, "Dr. Vino, what do you think?" She ask in concern, beads of sweat are forming in her forehead even though the room is airconditioned.

"Tachycardia" he said simply. and just look at the monitor. Dr Mihano seems to understands what he wants to say.

"But how? she is fine in the last 4 da---huhhh... OK Noted, Dr. Vino, I will prepare everything just in case." She asked but didn't complete her statement, in the end, after her long sigh, she agreed to Dr. Vino's statement

The nurse on duty is still reading the numbers in the monitor.

"Blood pressure is 70/40, Oxygen 72%, Heart rate is still increasing rapidly" though she speaks with no emotion on her voice, the nurse's face kept on looking at the 2 doctors on both side of Seyoo's bed, waiting for any instruction. When she glances at Seyoo's pale and fear-stricken face, she notice that her eyes are fluttering before her eyeballs rolled up, body jerking and trembling. She felt pity for this girl, and as if she is feeling her struggles and pain, she become worried. "Doc, what should we do?" all of a sudden she asks the doctors. Her voice and eyes has a tinge of worried on it.

"Possible code. We wait. Her heart may stop." Dr. Vino answers the nurse in a mechanical, matter of fact voice as he look at Seyoo's body.

A short minute passed but Seyoo's monitoring device kept on beeping and blinking in fast progressions. Her Oxygen level is decreasing gradually and a blue hue started appearing on Seyoo's pale face. Dr. Mihano started to feel the pressure to keep Seyoo alive. In her mind ,she keep on saying over and over again 'Please Seyoo, fight. live.please. Dont give child, fight it. '


As Seyoo's blood pressure keeps on decreasing, Dr. Mihano faced the nurse. "Can you please call her friends outside and her guardian in the orphanage. They need to be informed asap on Seyoo's condition."

" Yes Doc." as the nurse prepares to do as instructed, she was stopped mid stepped because of a loud horror-enduced noise.


Without any warning a fiercing blood curling scream will be heard inside Seyoo's room, voice a little raspy as if the voice came from somebody who didn't use her voice often. Shocked, Dr. Mihano looked at Seyoo, unable to form any coherence in her mind. Seyoo on the other hand is still unconscious but fat drops of tears roll in her closed eyes. her trembling body shuddered for a couple of seconds before it sagged on the bed.

The nurse breathe a long sigh of relief, only notices that she's been holding it due to worry. Her worries lessen as she saw that the monitoring device displays a rapid increase of Seyoo's oxygen and blood pressure. She face the doctor, waiting for any instruction. A small smile is forcing on her lips.

Dr. Mihano, on the other hand , is still rooted on her feet. Shocked that Seyoo used her voice, she is unable to react properly while Dr. Vino is already checking Seyoo's body.

"Dr. Mihano, we are still unsure of her condition. we need to do proper scanning of her body. She may still code if we cannot find what's wrong with her. what do you say?, Dr. Mihano? Dr. Mihano!" Dr. Vino is talking to Dr. Mihano while his eyes and his attention is on Seyoo. Holding a a pen light and checking Seyoo's responses to the stimuli he created, he is stating all his observation. When he didnt get any response from the Doctor he looked up only to find out that Dr. Mihano has a shock expression on her face looking at the patient.She didn't appear to be listening to anybody.