Volume II: Seyoo's Nightmare

"No, No!"


"I promise I will never..."

"Remember I love ...."

"Congratulations Seyoo"

"I'm sorry ms. Hazano We did our best..."

"Seyoo, Im sorry"

"Ms. Seyoo..."

"Ma, come tomorrow, I promise, you will see how I put my best m..."

"Im Sorry Seyoo"

"Seyoo,! your mother..."






"Doc, what happened to Seyoo?" the worried Chinka asked 3 times already. As professional as she is, Dr. Mihano feels a little bit exasperated with her questioning.

"Ms. I told you this is still normal" She explained again to Chinka "Seyoo experienced a trauma and triggered her past" She added.

"Her vital signs are normal and I don't see any problem with her physical condition." Dr. Mihano explains gently and decided to scold her a little in a motherly voice. "She will wake up when she is ready. Don't force it. Her body is healing." She ended before walking away to attend to her other patient.

Chinka, bless her, didn't mind a little bit if the doctor has been irritated with her. She slumped on the seat beside the bed and continues to observe Seyoo's body and serene facial expression.

The door to the hospital room opens and Fuwei emerges with plastic bags in his hand. "How is Seyoo?" He almost whispered, careful not to make too much sound while placing the bags on the table beside the bed.

"Still the same. It has been 5 days and Seyoo still didn't wake from her slumber. Aren't she gonna wake up?" Chinka whines in response to Fuwei's questioning.

"If the doctor says she is ok, then she is. Stop complaining, you are disrupting her sleeps." Fuwie chided sternly while handing her a chinese takeout of Yang Chow With Shrimp in red sauce and a wooden chopstick.

"Im not complaining,ok. I'm just worried. Thats it." She said while pouting at him.

Suddenly, they heard a whimpered followed by a noise. Surprised, they both turned to Seyoo's direction and find that her face is contorted in pain. She is sweating profusely and her right arm is extended upward as if reaching for something... or someone.

Chinka exclaimed "Omg, Seyoo!Seyoo?! Are you in pain?" while reaching out for her stretch arm.

while holding Seyoo's arm, she shakes her gently. She turned towards Fuwie and instructed him. "Call the doctor.Se-"

She is not yet done with her instruction when the monitor beside Seyoo's beeps loudly and rapidly and the lights above her bed turns red.

Seyoos's body started to shake. Her half closed eyes roll upward. Chinka started to panic when Seyoo's eyeball turn all white like a scene in a horror movie.

"What is happening?! Fuwei call the doc--"

Suddenly, a rushing nurse open the doors widely and noisily. She was followed by Dr. Mihano.

"Doc, what happen to my friend?!" Chinka inquired with tears in her eyes and panic in her voice. "I thought she's ok?!" She ask tensely.

"Ms., I will need you to step outside, I need to check the condition of the patient. " Dr. Mihano said while checking Seyoo's condition. She give them a dismissing look and face the nurse on duty "Nurse, get her chart and 10 mg IV of Diazepam."

Chinka and Fuwie didn't have a choice but to let Dr. Mihano work to stabilize Seyoo. They move out the room and stay at the corridor to wait for the outcome.

Chinka glance at Fuwei and with a worried look asks "She will be ok, right?"

She didnt wait for Fuwei to answer but instead give herself a pep talk "Chinka, don't worry. Seyoo is fine. Nothing's gonna happen." then looking at the door of Seyoo's room, she whispers "Seyoo, Please be ok. please." Clasping her hands together, she closes her eyes and bow for 1 minute.

Fuwei has a complex look on his face. He does not know what to say to make Chinka feel better. He is also worried for Seyoo's health especially because he really thought that she is fine. It has been five days after they bring Seyoo and so far this is the only time he sees her like that.

After a minute, Chinka open her eyes and invited Fuwei to go out to breathe some outside air and to get new food as they forgot to bring their dinner when they've been asked to leave the room.

Fuwie, readily agreed and assisted Chinka outside the District hospital.


The nurse immediately return with the patient's chart and the requested medicine inside a clear glass. Without a word, she handed it to Dr. Mihano and steps aside.

Dr. Mihano injected the medicine in Seyoo's IVF tube. Gradually, her trembling body and erratic heart beat returns to normal. Sighing her relief, Dr. Mihano hold Seyoo's hand and say a little prayer of thanks. She leans forward and whispered near her right ear "Be brave child. Do not give up. " Dr. Mihano pats her hand gently and give it a little squieeze before leaving the room. She instructed the nurse- on- duty in the nurse station to look after Seyoo every 15 to 30 minutes.