Change of Environment 3

"Sho syhou chan shreally shtalk sshSe?" Chinka asked her if she can really talk for the 5th time.

"I know Imsh not shdreamingh now cosh ith shreally hurts. butsh . Wooow." She blurts and exclaims, unable to believe that her friend can really talk.

Seyoo keeps looking at her without saying anything or making any expression on her face. She is fascinated by Chinka's reaction but at the same time, she is feeling guilty for breaking her promise.

"ShSe syuo havesh a lovelhy voice.Promise"

Seyoo cracks a small but brief smile before sadness envelops her eyes. She evades the string of probing question from Chinka and looks away. She really don't know what to feel. Somewhat happy that finally after all this years, she can able to speak again but she felt guilty because she broke a promise to never use her curse voice ever.

As she got reminder by this guilt, Seyoo started to cry. She sits and endure the pain while her tears soak her face and her upper pj. She started to tremble and hiccup but she reign it all in, enduring the pain inside just to stop from elliciting sound using her voice.

After an hour of crying her eyes out, fatigue enters her system. She wants to fall asleep but she is afraid to have nightmares. She look straight in Chinka's face and just stares. She is oblivious that Chinka is uncomfortable with the way she looks st her. Unable to continue with the deafening silence, Chinka pinches Seyoo's arm as she exclaims, " Ummmhhhhppp! Hey! Sheyoo. Stoph Lookhing ath mhe. syou lookh sho ishcarhy." in her swollen cheeks voice.

Seyoo seems to wake up from her thoughts as she felt the pain of the pinch. She glare at Chinka before sighing.

" Sor-ry" she said. Feeling wrongee by her self for using her curse voice again, she covered her open mouth with her 2 hands. She looks at Chinka's bewildered face and very slowly she puts down her hands.

They stayed in that position for 1 hour, her looking downward busy with her own thoughts while Chinka is sitting in front of her observing her varied reactions. She stands up after a ehile and went for her things. She rummage through it as if looking for something.

"Se...??" Chinka inquired, perplexed with what she is doing. At last, as she gets hold of her cellphone, she stops. Turning around and facing Chinka, she raise her phone indicating to her friend that she will type what shecwant to say. Chinka understood what she meant and begun reaching out on the side table where her cellphone is.

'Im not sure if I can stay here Chinka. I want to , no, I need to stay as far as possible from here.

'I dont want to be reminded of what happened here.'

'This is not my safe place anymore'


Seyoo sends a string of messages to her one after another while Chinka try to read as fast as she could. Her eyes begun to water because of waht Seyoo is saying but she nods her head at her and smile despite on how she feels. She understands that Seyoo needs a new start and it will only happened if she will go to another place far from here. A change of place for her to not be reminded of what happened.

"Ok. I know Se. But please do not forget me. I am your best friend and you are my bestfriend. ok?" Chinka hugs Seyoo real tight as she give some reminders to her. Seyoo returns her hug and she nods to all the things that Chinka is saying.

"I will call your guardian for you , oh, and your therapist as well. I will explain what you want to do. I want you to br happy again and not be afraid. so can you promise me that?"Chinka face her and looks in her eyes. As she saw Seyoo's smiles and nod, she inhales deeply and begins to tidy their rooms.

"C- Chin, Th--Thank you.." Seyoo hug her friend from behind and whispered her thanks.

"Just be happy Se and dont ever forgets me or else... " Chinka half reminder half threatened her in a choking voice as tears fall down her face. She face Seyoo again and hug her while they cried together. Releasing all the pain of the past months and the pain and uncertainty of their future.