Chapter 2: Exploring the kingdom more deeply

Continuing from where we left off, at the kingdom, there were a few shrines scattered across the land, they were called the "Fairy shrines", they were placed around the land by the Nobles, "these make sure to protect all of you from dangers and diseases, and to keep all of you healthy" was their reasoning, we can tell that they are working, however, getting sick after these were placed became rare, and if you got sick, it would last at max one hour before disappearing.

also, because we are on the outskirts of the kingdom, there are spot of guardian bunkers, archer stations, giant walls, and all of these serve to protect the kingdom against outer hostilities, such as other warmonger armies, Dragons, Goblins, Ghouls, Werewolfs, Orcs, and other types of monsters.

I always used to care about magic a lot, as I mentioned before, I was not interested in it because it's fun, or any of these reasons, but rather I wanted to explain what's been happening to me, and around me.

There was a lot of anomalies happening lately, as an example, there was a voice, under the ground, calling villagers deeper, That is what I heard, it only happened to some random people, however.

Those who went "down there" as the Nobles who are investigating the issue explained, never came back, The people who they stopped however, lost their minds , and were basically like walking corpses until they disappeared, from going "down there", not even the Nobles know where "down there" is, they suspect it only opens for these people.

also there was a big light surrounding the king's castle a few days ago, it lasted for about 6 hours, and it was bright enough to blind you if you look at it long enough, that blindness however, was only temporary, since Nobles hurried to heal us afterwards, and the Fairy shrines did help too.

There were also some other kingdoms threatening ours, such as Nydar, who wanted as many land under their forces as possible, and the kingdom of Servenith, who wanted to kill as many people for their king as possible

And of course, they all use magic too.

But our Kingdom is actually the most feared in the region, since we have the most skilled magician forces, They use the most outlandish and effective spells In the whole continent, or that is how people said.

You can actually see the nobles as the people who are in charge of protecting us, the civilians, from the outside danger.

The castle is wide and big, and merchants always going into our castle and getting outside all the day along, due to us being one of the main trade capitals, However, such safely does not exist outside our region, bandits are always awake, never sleeping, ready to kill you and steal all of your belongings, so Merchants would hire guardian mercenaries and mages, in order to ensure a safe travel, and a lot of people actually have their lives based on the money they get from guarding merchant carts.

But that is not the only reason to go outside!, Thanks to my knowledge of magic, I knew a lot about our local meterials and resources, think of Herbs, Mushrooms, Woods, Gemstones, etc, but the only downside to that is the fact that these forests are dangerous, they are ridden with monsters, and other creatures.