
A dark room, pitch black, except for a single spotlight, shining on our protagonist. Then the room lit up and sirens blared and our protagonist woke up. His immediate thought was ramen, specifically chicken stock with pork slices, ginger and miso noodles with a side of dumplings. Then he started noticing the surroundings, the room was fairly simple. The ceiling was grey, he got out of the bed he was on. The floor was grey, there was a sink and a toilet in a corner, and all the walls were grey, there were bars replacing one of the walls, and a dark corridor on the other side of the bars. Suddenly he realised where he was. This was his school, wait... no... his school had benches, then he realised that it was not school that he was in, but it was in fact a prison cell. He tried to recall his name, but his mind was blank. Somehow this did not scare him. As he walked towards the bars, a door at one side of the room opened. He stepped out of the cell and started walking along the corridor. He could see a door at the end of the path. As he made his way down the corridor, he noticed the ceiling lamps lighting up as he walked under them. When he reached the door, it opened for him automatically, revealing a staircase about 5 meters away. When he reached the staircase, it started moving upwards... endlessly. To make sure he sat there for a while. Until a mysterious voice coming from a little red box told him that he's stalled too much for the first chapter and to step on the stairs and make some progress. So, he started his journey... up the stairs. On the way he realised, that everything electronic seemed to obey his wishes, doors, opening... lights, lighting up... stairs, endlessly moving... this could only mean one thing, electronics obeyed him and he... he was a superhero. He could be, "electricity man", or, "the great battery" (depending on the copyright laws) or ever better... seeing as he was nameless, our protagonist decided to name himself (atleast until he remembered his own). From here on, our protagonist was known as (temporarily), the great Hackerman.