
Hot water

Thirst, ironically, thirst is what our hero started feeling 10 minutes into the hunt for hot water. Was it because if the fact that he was looking for hot water? We will never know. Anyway, as Hackerman walked through the left room, he noticed the various taps all around the room, "bingo" he thought to himself. He walked to the first tap, and opened it. Surprisingly, nothing came out. Then he opened the next tap, nothing came out here either. This was the same case for all the taps in the room. The hero then realised, that the building owner must not be paying his water bills. This could be the only explanation. But what horror! This meant that there was no point in looking through the building, there would be no water anywhere. Well then, the ramen would have to wait, as Hackerman sulked back towards the hall he just came from. As he was about to open the door, he heard voices coming from the hall. It made no sense as if there were people here, then the water bills should be payed. Hackerman though he ought to have a word with the people talking, so he burst through the doors bellowing "where's my water?". To his surprise, there was nobody there, but he could still hear the voices, and much clearer now. "this is team twelve to team eleven come in... team eleven come in"

This didn't make much sense to Hackerman, so he thought it wouldn't be all that important. Then suddenly, the voice said something else, "team eleven, your position is unidentified on the GPS, if anyone is receiving this, where are you at the moment, I repeat, if anyone is receiving this message, please specify your location". The person on the other end seemed desperate, so Hackerman decided to try to help. "Hackerman here what's up?" That ought to be a good introduction, he thought.

"this is team twelve please specify your location this is extremely important"

"I'm in some building in a hall"

"could you please describe the building"

"it's tall, I think... and it looks white... on the inside"

"okay but we need a specific location or a description of the exterior desig..."

it was now that the signal was lost and all that could be heard in the speaker was static.

Oh well, thought Hackerman, he was going to leave the building, finally.