

As Hackerman watched Ben tell Jeffery, he understood that had to tell them that they wouldn't exist as they are now if they went with this plan and it succeeded, yet this seemed like what was best for everyone, weighing the lives of the Leone troupe, and nearly everyone who had lost their lifestyles in this time, the priority was definitely ramen... sorry... the people of this time. But Jeffery and Ben were from team eleven, they weren't idiots, they should have understood that they would be near enough losing their lives. The government made them what they were, that fact that they didn't have memories of the times before they became government didn't help. If the plan succeeded, they wouldn't even know what kind of life they'd go back to. All 26 members in the Leone troupe would be gone. His conscience wouldn't let him let this slide, he had to inform them, so he did, only to be stopped mid sentence, and to be scolded. Ben told him that this was best for everyone, the Leone troupe were government dogs, they had done most of the governments dirty work, they had taken the lives of countless people at war, and had done unspeakable things, like spilling ramen. They always thought that the things they were doing were right, until one day, when they were ordered to assassinate a major company's CEO's family. The family was innocent, and the government only ordered them to this is out of petty reasons to do with the CEO adamantly disagreeing with the government. The faces of the wife and children would haunt them for years to come. In the end they let the family go, and told them to pack up and leave the country before the government takes notice. This was their last mission before they were sent back in time, and the first mission that made them disobey direct orders. The only reason the didn't rebel like team twelve, was because they believed that if they did change history, the current government would cease to exist, and would be replaced by a better one, hopefully. All this, as much as Hackerman didn't like it, gave him a different perspective of team eleven, and all of the Leone troupe. As nice as they seemed, these men were once cold blooded killers. He dreaded to think about what would've happened if it was a different team in eleven's place at that family's home at the time, and to think about what the other teams were like. Team one would still be cold blooded and ruthless, and if team thirteen were the same, then they would be cold blooded ruthless geniuses. That, is a dangerous skill set. The government made, 26 ruthless killers. "What were they thinking?", is what kept running through his mind for the days to come.