
Side story

At approximately 6 A.M, team eleven was called to the government headquarters. This was not new to them, and they expected a normal mission. Instead they were greeted by a completely empty building, and the only source of light was the illuminated pathways at the main entrance that specified the path to follow. As they followed the path they noticed that this was not anywhere that they had been before, and they didn't know how they had missed this part of the building. When they reached the end of the path, an automated door opened, revealing an extremely large room. The room was entirely white, and there were 13 circles on the ground, with a panel for each circle and a separate panel that was connected to all the other panels. There was also a speaker in a corner of the room. Then they noticed the 20 other people standing in the room. They were all standing in pairs, and inside painted squares. There were three unoccupied squares and there was writing in these squares, "team eleven" "team twelve" and "team thirteen". They realised that the 10 pairs of people in the room were teams one to ten of the rest of the Leone troupe. Team eleven hastily got into their square, and waited. 5 minutes later, team twelve arrived, and another 5 later, team thirteen. Then a voice from the speaker boomed "you have all been gathered here, for your most difficult yet mission. The circles that you see in the room, are all individual time machines, and will transport each team to a different location in the a year in the past. Your mission is to stop a calamity that took place at the time. We are unsure of what the calamity was exactly, but we do know that it involved a highly dangerous organisation know as the miyami group, you may or may not have heard of it, and also that this calamity completely halted the progress of the human race for over ten centuries. There is a USB stick in the panels that you will pull out while stepping into the circles, the USB is your only means of reviewing your mission in more detail after reaching the past. Be warned, the miyami group is extremely dangerous and will not hesitate to murder every one of you." Then all thirteen teams were ordered to step into the circle. When the process of sending us back in time was activated. They man behind the speaker informed us of the fact that there may or may not be a way to bring us back to the present, and that the government will work on making a two way time machine as soon as they send us of. Suddenly, team twelve attempted to leave the transportation circle. This may have been due to pressure or fear of not being able to return to the present, their motives were unclear, but after realising that they were unable to leave the circle, they attempted to shoot their way out. It was a very disturbing sight, as team twelve was supposed to be an intelligent team. Then to our surprise, a bullet escaped, and ricocheted off the wall to hit the main control panel. This triggered an alarm just as we were disappearing from the present. The last thing any of the Leone troupe heard, was "date and time system compromised".

———————— End of book one ————————