WebNovelFirst Age25.00%


In front of a huge pyramid in a dark space where there is no light , no trees , no sounds except the occasional sound of a metal clinging .

there is a man holding a hammer hitting the iron in front of him

" cling ,cling "

The iron quickly took the shape of a sword , after a few hammers . the man took the sword and put it in ice . the sword was cooled quickly .

The man looked at the sword in satisfaction , Then he closed his eye , and looked to the sky " dame system , come to check your father work " the man said in a confident voice .

[ Do you want to apply for smiting test . ]

" Yes " said the man in announce from the mechanical voice that replied to him

[ inspecting .....]

[ Iron sword ]

[ Sharpness : F ]

[ Most swords in mortal weapons has a sharpness of G level , only historical swords have a F level or higher ]

[ review : you have reached the peak of smiting ( mortal graded sword ) ]

[ note : barely acceptable ]

the man brows twitched ' the best weapons on earth were F grade ,and that dame system called them barely acceptable ' .

[ smith trial passed , time taken 50 years , number of failed products: 202 , number of F grade products : 556 ]

[ Ending swords smiting trial .... Activating multi smith trial ]

[ a smith knows more than making swords . ]

[ Quest : make a bow , a spear , a shield , a knife , a saber of grade F or higher ]

[ Reward : End the smiting trial , 1000 Sp ]

The man face with filled with black lines " system , dear system , ending the smiting trial doesn't mean Ending the tutorial Right " the man said in irradiated voice

[ correct host has finished farming trial , where he understood all about the plants, and there growing condition , the biology of the plant and poisons , it took you 150 years to complete the trial gaining 1000 Sp point , Then the host had to do the building trial were the host manged with primitive equipment build a pyramid , which is identical to the pyramids of Egypt. it took you 1000 year to finish that trial . gaining 2000 Sp , after that came the smiting trial which you just finished. ]

" you didn't answer my question " the man said while trying to forget the countless years he spent in those dame trials .he ask him self how didn't go insane already after all those years of loneliness.

[ you can't go insane because you are already dead ]

" ah ,yes ... stop reading my mind " the man said

[ trial start , do your best ]



after 6 more years

loud laughter was heard on the place " I am done , done "

suddenly the same mechanical voice was heard [ inspecting the items please wait .... ]

[ short bow : F grade ..pass ]

[ Iron spear : F grade ...pass ] [ Iron shield +F grade .. pass] [knife F grade ..pass ]

[Iron saber : D grade ... pass ]

[ congratulation you have obtained 1000 Sp, and 1000 Sp bounce for having D grade sword ]

[ congratulation on finishing basic smith,builder,farmer trial ]

the man nodded his head filling proud of his work , he kept smiling like fool it's finally over .. he can reincarnate ... it's been long since he can barely remember what was his life-like on Earth , after more than a thousand-year he doesn't even remember his old name . what the system told that he need to finish the trials to reincarnate , but every one of those trials took much time like YEARS .. strangely enough he never had any mental trouble or any kind of depression .

'wait , dead man have a depression ? '

[ the last trial will begin , your first trial begin the path of the Warrior ]

a huge shadow, he felt that the shadow was bigger than the world itself .the world shook , even the pyramid was showing a sing of collapsing . the shadow was of a man wearing an armor carrying a shield in one his right hand , and a halberd in his left, a majestic warrior .

the world blanked the scenery changed .


the ground was green , the sun light the skies . it was an open filed .

the man looked at the screen in front of him

[ unnamed ]

[ LV :0 ] [ SP points : 6550 ]

[ STR : 15 , INT :100 , DEX : 7 ]

[ Quest : kill 100 chicken ]

[ Reward : a recruit warrior manual ]

suddenly a chicken a appeared in front of him , Not a normal chicken it had a grey color was 2 times bigger than a normal chicken , its peak was sharp , and it's tooth were like a sharp razor .

The chicken suddenly sprinted toward him you expect anyone to be surprised when a strange creäture like that attack you , but just as the chicken was about to bite the man suddenly moved his hand like a hammer on the head of the chicken , the chicken head exploded .

" Even if I don't have a weapon I didn't swing my hammer for more that 1000 years for nothing " the man said while smirking . chicken began to appear on the field .

" let the chicken massacre begin , and let's hope not to get a strange tittle "

the man swinged his fist left and right killing chicken everywhere .

after a while all the chicken on the filled were dead ,and the man body was blooded , his fist was filled with blood , his skin with filled with biting marks.

" They say ant can kill an elephant " the man said while looking at the blood that filled his body

[ congratulation for finishing the trial ]

all the chicken diapered , the filed it dispersed and , the lights disappeared

" back to the black room " said the man said in annoyance

a scroll suddenly appear in front of the man he open it he saw the shadow again but this time it was much clearer,it was standing on hill , suddenly the stars dimmed the clouds gathered like it was the day of judgement a huge thunder fell from the sky the man raised his shield ,and the light hit him like the wrath of the sky , hundreds of strikes on after anther fall on the shield , yet the man didn't even moved , a voice suddenly said

"you can't beat the storm " the voice came from the sky like heavenly degree

the shadow whispers " I am the storm "

the halberd in his left hand thrust toward the sky like it want to pierce the heaven itself ,

the void crack the and a huge hole was priced in the sky

the sky colored changed. the thunder turned red blood

the last what I saw was a man standing proudly on the hill looking at the heaven

and , the last what heard was " a warrior is the first to engage, and last to retreat "

I felt the shadow looking where I was standing

I felt the air on body stand , my back filled with sweat , although I can't see the warrior face , but i felt like he smirked when he looked at me .

the warrior looked at the sky again

the Scene stooped everything dispersed , I thought that I returned to the black space , but the space with white

[ congratulation on finishing the tutorial .... reincarnation sequence began 3,2,1 ..]