WebNovelFirst Age75.00%


« in the Earl palace »

the young man who supposedly dead, suddenly open his eye , he looked around . he saw the shocked face of a man , and a woman who's face was filed with tears.

'what, who are those people ' the Yong man thought to himself

'why are you crying, don't cry ' the young man didn't know why, but he felt uncomfortable seeing this woman crying .

"don't cry, I am fi- " the young man didn't complete his sentence, he cough black blood and fainted.

the Earl open his mouth without saying anything.

"what are you waiting for call physician" the women screamed

the guards outside saw the dinning room opened

" lead me to physician Duncan " the Earl voice ringed while entering his carriage .


after an hour the Earl carriage returned to the palace . the Earl and an old man with white exited from the carriage .

"Webster ,you brat, you dragged me without tell me why , aren't you disrespecting this old man too much ? " the old man said while narrowing his eye

the guards were shocked when they heard the old man calling the Earl by his name , and did he just call the Earl BRAT . Although , the Earl is casual with his subordinate most of the time . but that mean they can disrespect him , especially after what just happened . but what happened next was truly baffling .

" I wouldn't dare , elder " the Earl said in polite tone

"my son was poisoned " the Earl said contained after a short pause . suddenly the old man Duncan aura changed, his face contracted . the temperate of the old man turned cold in sec . Although ,there wasn't any blood-lust ,there the temperature fell few degrees .

" the little girl ? " the old man asked , and his temperate felt more cold

" she isn't in the city,didn't she tell you before she left ? " the Earl asked

" yes ,I forgot ...." the old said and his temperate immediately changed to normal old man , as he looked toward the guards . most of them were stunned , but the old man noted that some of the men didn't seem to be affected .

"hoo , it seems that Earl soldiers reputation isn't fake after all " the old man said while smirking .

when they entered the palace . most of the standing solider fell to their knees

" who is that old man ? " a solider asked

" I don't know , but I know something " a shadow appeared suddenly, behind the solider , they didn't seem to surprised by his sudden appearance .

" I heard a death voice " the man said while looking to the place

"it's been a while since I heard the voice of death " the man continued murmuring to himself . the soldiers faces turned pale immediately . the shadow also known as 'Eagle' is one of the oldest and , strongest follower of the Earl his specialty is Archery , Assassination , and , Scouting . all of his mission required hiding , hunting . he has strange skill called 'the call of death ' he can fell one hostility or can alarm about the danger , the 'voice of death' is the highest danger inductor of the call. the death itself whisper his name many time, every time his life is in danger he hear whispers of his name , like the death calling for him . but this time the voice was loud and clear like a bell , calling his name . because of that skill no one knows his true name, because he knows when he dies the last thing that he will hear will be his name.

the Earl and old Duncan entered the dinning room , they were stunned by the scene in front of them .

Although , his son wasn't talented like his daughter ,but he was kind to everyone , he wasn't fit to be a leader but he was his son .so ,when the Earl found that he was alive , he felt joy ,and immediately went to call Duncan although he was annoying old man but he was the best physician . but what he saw when he opened the door mad his mind go blank .his son is screaming , surrounding his body is filled with black blood all his blood-vessels are exploding ,then within a seconde his body was healed like it was nothing and his vessels closed like nothing happened . just as he was about to speak .

his son body explode to blood and gore once again .to be healed again all in secedes he screamed again, between the screams he heard his son whispering "I am fine , please don't cry " the Earl face changed .

he looked to his wife who was in a corner of the room supporting a spell that isolate the voice into the room her face was mess she wasn't crying tears , but blood . before he can say anything, Duncan moved but not toward his son ,but toward his wife .

Duncan hit the Earl wife on the neck with a silver needle making her losing consciousness. the spell immediately shattered and the whole palace heard the screams , the guards rushed though the door

" keep that needle , it will keep her unconscious otherwise I can't guarantee her mental health " the old man said then he pause for a second before continuing " get out and take the guards with you , no matter how much time I spend in this room no one enters "

after everyone got out of the room

" I am doing that for you little girl " the old man said while sighing ..