A Memory of Us

He, who was just warm a moment ago, turned cold like poison-- a type of deadly poison hidden within the sweetest treat. His dimples disappeared and his eyes froze, staring straight into Li Wei's soul. "Don't speak of someone you don't know."

Don't speak of someone you don't know.

These words struck the center of her heart.

This small shed was suddenly cold, so cold that she wanted to run away. Li Wei unconsciously took a step back from Khan Bojing.

No, she wasn't scared. She was worried. How could one name changed him so much in a split second? What had this man gone through that pained him this way?

As her heart continued falling into a pit of unending darkness, her hands slightly trembled. Her once daring eyes fell to the ground.

His words repeated in her head again, don't speak of someone you don't know...

During their marriage, she was truly spoiled. Li Wei had never seen this side of him before. No matter how mad he was, no matter how much she angered him, he never turned cold on her.

He would pressed his lips together tightly, sighed, and walked away. He had never raised his voice, never denied if her requests were within reason. She never knew his struggles or his pain, for he had always hidden them from her.

She, too, hid herself away. She didn't dare to have feelings for him because she knew herself well. Li Wei was once that type of person, the type to be loyal to the end--even if that loyalty destroyed her in the process.

Once she allowed herself to fall in love with him, there would be no going back.

Now that he stood in front of her in the flesh as himself, saying those words, she couldn't deny that Khan Bojing was correct. She didn't know him at all. She shouldn't have spoke his name.

Li Wei brushed off the tear that threatened to spill by the corner of her eye as she turned away. It was better to leave now that she'd seen him.

"Hey, what's wrong? Did I scare you?"

His words, again, caused her to stop in her tracks. Li Wei had tried to successfully to stop herself from crying so far, but once these words were spoken, she broke down. Tears of sadness from her previous life and the past three years came rushing out.

Why was he so hard to find? Didn't he know how hard she tried? Thinking of the stupid things she tried, just to get a glimpse at him, even more tears came out.

Why was he suddenly hot and cold and now hot again? Couldn't he just stay one way so she could adjust to him?

Once the woman in front of him started bawling her eyes out, Khan Bojing had no idea what just happened. When he was cold, she looked sad. This was understandable. Now that he tried being nice, she cried like she's never cried before. What went wrong?

In this situation, he could only pat her back gently. When his hand reached out to her, she slowly turned her face around. Her eyes were now extremely puffy and red, "I-I'm not a bad person."

Khan Bojing almost laughed but caught himself just in time. It wouldn't be a good idea, who knows how she would react if he laughed at this crucial moment?

He cleared his throat to hide away the laughter, although it was clear his eyes shone with amusement. "Okay, okay. I believe you. After all, there's no bad person that would bawl their eyes out in front of the enemy."

Normally, she would be annoyed, but right now she was just grateful. She let out a breath she wasn't aware of holding. She was grateful that he chose to trust her. Thankful that he was now with her here.

"What are you doing in Ta'lin Village? Don't say, you finally changed your mind and decided to chase me?"

What a shameless man, this thought came immediately into mind. However, this time, the shameless man was correct. This chance was to be taken right away, when else would she ever get this perfect excuse spoken out for her again? It'd be a shame not to take advantage of this perfect scenario.

Li Wei eagerly nodded her head, "My intentions were so clear, eh? Say, when should we get married?"

Khan Bojing almost threw up blood. Clearly, he wasn't expecting her to be so direct. Was this really the woman he knew...? He cleared his throat as he slowly spoke each word, "Don't mess around, you're scaring me."

He didn't know it, but he had once said these words to her before. At that time, it was midnight when he returned to their bedroom. Caught by surprise, Li Wei couldn't hide the bundle of clothes in her arms in time. At that time in her life, Li Wei was still pregnant with the little bun.

As soon as Khan Bojing found out that she was pregnant with his child, his cold treatment towards her started warming up although she was against Li Zhilan, the woman he fully supported. She was forcibly brought to Hai'an by him.

In his reasons, she needed to stay beside him so he could protect her. Of course, this was nonsense to her. When had he ever volunteered to protect her? He was always on Li Zhilan's side. He was the barrier between Li Wei and Hua Xifeng.

There was no way she would stay with him, even if they did have a child together. Thus, she waited until late into the night to run away. Who would have guessed that he chose to come into their room that very moment?

From the doorway, he guessed her motive at first glance. With a serious and cold voice, he spoke those words, "Don't mess around, you're scaring me."

Back then, she laughed carelessly and replied, "You are scared too easily."

Now, in front of him again, she didn't laugh. Instead, she smile ever so gently and replied, "What if I say I'm not messing around?"

Khan Bojing cleared his throat again before he responded carefully, "That may be even scarier."