What Lovers Do

"W-What are you doing?" Khan Bojing asked as Li Wei pressed him against the wall. Her petite frame was against him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He tried to push her away, but she stubbornly held onto him.

This was the closest she's ever voluntarily been to him. Surprisingly, his fragrance was quite pleasant to her. Being in his arms was similar to being wrapped in a freshly washed blanket. She could feel the heat radiating off his body onto her. She wasn't sure what it was, but she said something that never once occurred in her wildest imagination, "You. I want to spend a night with you."

"..." His eyes blanked slowly, not in disgust as she anticipated, but in confusion. He seemed to ponder for a moment before he replied slowly, "You don't know what you're saying. Go in and rest."

Li Wei shook her head in protest. "A sip of wine is nothing to me. I know exactly what I'm proposing."

"This... You can't just demand something like that." His finger tapped on her forehead, as if attempting to knock some sense into her. "This isn't like you, Li Wei."

She had been saving herself for Hua Xifeng, but at this moment she no longer cared about staying chaste. What a waste of her efforts. In a taunting voice, she asked him, "Then what's like me? Something like this?"

She used his surprise to her advantage, capturing him in her grasp. She boldly pulled onto his collar so he had to bend, and she met his lips halfway. At first, she lightly kissed him, testing out how it felt to kiss. Unlike his cold attitude towards her, his lips were unbelievably soft. Once she got his taste, she craved for more. She wanted to find out just how much sweeter this man could be, this person who was like a forbidden fruit she stole from heaven.

"Stay still," She ordered as she pulled back slightly just enough to take a breath before her tongue slipped inside, sealing their second kiss. Her naughty hands had undone the bun on his head, allowing his hair to fly freely with the soft gushes of wind that brushed by every now and then. Her fingers tugged his hair and she let out a quiet moan that surprised them both. Her teeth grazed on his bottom lip before she hesitantly pulled away. She licked her lips, taking in the last trace of his taste. Her eyes teased him silently as she gave a triumphant smile. "This is who I am."

"…" Khan Bojing looked at her dazedly, his eyes filled with confusion as he tried to make sense of their situation. He had been too shocked to react.

How was this man so innocent, this thought flashed through her mind as she placed her forehead onto his forehead. Many men lusted after because of her beauty. They acted as if they never bullied her when she was young. Sly hands tried to inappropriately touch her, rubbish mouths made it clear they wanted to use her body, and ignorant minds thought she could be easily coaxed.

Khan Bojing stood out from the others. Even if she hated him, she couldn't deny he was inevitably worthy of respect and acknowledgement. The purity this man chaneled was out of this world. He held the appearance of a poisoned blossom whose one touch could kill, yet, its petals were unbelievably soothing upon the skin. He was a stable boy, but his golden personality made him a rare find. If she sneaked into the glow of his light and dirtied him, would she be punished?

Punishment or whatever was to come, she didn't care. Li Wei slowly allowed herself to lean onto him, letting herself go. In that moment, she somehow trusted he wouldn't push her away or let her fall. She believed he wouldn't do anything harmful to her unless she was on the verge of killing someone. They were so close that her breath fell onto his skin when she spoke, "Let me know how it feels like to be loved, even if it's just an ever fleeting moment."

In the dimly lit corridor, the two figures stayed stuck together for a long time until her closed eyes suddenly opened. She could feel he had come to a decision after a long battle against himself. His strong arms picked her up and carried her through the door into her bedchamber.

He sat beside her, his hand held onto her hand. Tonight, he looked at like never before. His eyes were soft and tender, almost like he was the vulnerable one. Khan Bojing pulled her into his embrace, his chin rested lightly on her head. "I don't want us to start something we'll regret."

She knew he was not one to act rashly like her, but nothing in the world mattered anymore. She just wanted to be lost in his warmth again. Her finger flicked the collar of his shirt to the side, exposing his muscular honey skin. How enticing, she smirked before planting her kisses from his chest to his earlobe, causing him to shudder under her touch.

He pulled himself away, taking his warmth with him. She burrowed against his chest, as if she was in great pain from his rejection. She knew exactly what to say to get under his skin, "You can't?"

Khan Bojing sighed heavily in defeat as he pushed her onto the bed. "I won't hesitate to take you with me if you get pregnant." Before he lost himself completely, he sincerely added, "If we have a child together, you're marrying me. No complaints, no arguing. I won't be considerate of your opinion."

His breath was heavy above her, his eyes searching through the pool of darkness for her soul before he ventured further. His stare shut off any retorts she thought of. Lying was her second nature, she could do it smoothly without flaw but for sure her voice would surely betray her tonight. Li Wei suddenly felt as if she had provoked the wrong person.

If it was any other man, she would've been devoured by now, but only this fool waited for her answer. No doubt he wouldn't hesitate to push her off the bed if she didn't give a clear consent to what they were about to do. She didn't trust herself to speak so she gave a meek nod. No intentions whatsoever of keeping her promise, but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

His arm reached out to pull the curtains around the bed to a close. The gentleman she had seen so far was gone, his gaze was like that of a wild man. One word and he wouldn't show her mercy. In the space in which there was only between him and her, she became the focus of his eyes. Li Wei wrapped her arms around his neck as he gave her a trail of kisses from her collarbone and upwards onto the hollow of her neck. A fluttery feeling passed through her stomach. Her breath hitched and her voice came out in a husky whisper, "T-Tai."

When his lips reached her earlobe, he paused and nibbled playfully with his teeth. She couldn't help but squirmed from the ticklish touch. In between her giggles, she managed to say, "Tai, you're tickling me."

"Call me Yebai."

"Uh?" Li Wei became still, trying to figure out if this was a fetish he had. Yebai? This stable boy had another name? His face was full of expectations for her to follow this request. Usually, she wouldn't listen to him, she would do the opposite of whatever he asked. In their intimate position, she betrayed herself, "Yebai..."

"What did you call me?" His low voice was dangerously low, lightly laced with a hint of lust.

The changes in his voice didn't escape her notice, but she wasn't scared. Instead, she couldn't take his ticklish action anymore and she broke into laughter. Her toes curled from his endless teasing. She said his name with confidence, "Yebai."

"Say it again," He requested.

"Yebai." Happiness sparked in his eyes when she said his name. Ah, his weakness. Finally she stumbled upon one of his weaknesses. She moved her lips to his ear and called his name again in a sweeter tone, like she was calling the name of her beloved. "Yebai."

A grin spread across his face and his dimples came out dancing before he swept her up in a passionate kiss. Their third kiss. When their lips touched, he sincerely savored her taste... like she would never appear in front of him again. Desperately, but still patient enough to take his time. She gradually melted under him. The kiss he initiated was even sweeter than the one she stole from him... Heaven's forbidden fruit willingly offered himself for her to enjoy, at least for now.

One of his hand cradled her head and the other held onto her chin, bringing her as close to him as possible. She was lost in pleasure as their tongues interwined. Her arms wrapped around him, her lips kissed him back, her breasts touched his chest, and her entrance brushed against his hardness.

Never in her life had she been treated with so much care. The way he caressed her, the way he touched her, even the way he gazed at her... She felt contented... She felt as if he wanted to shower her with his utmost care in the most thorough ways. On this fated night they immersed themselves in a particularly sweet flavor that belonged solely to the night-time, a delicacy shared and kept between lovers.