An Unraveling of Secrets

"Khan Bojing told you?" Li Wei asked as he walked her home.

Song Yishan strode comfortably. The night temperature was just to his liking. "En, that idiot told me to call you Sprout. He said you'll only believe me once I say it. I knew I shouldn't have listened to his crazy idea in the first place. Now I'm the one looking like a fool."

Li Wei laughed as she imagined Khan Bojing's ridiculous order. Really, what was he thinking?

Along the way, Song Yishan started talking about what happened. Song Yishan had just arrived in Na'an. In the past three days, he tried searching for her at the Cherry Teahouse with no luck until tonight.

"That idiot gave five words, 'Look for a beautiful girl.'" Thinking about it again gave Song Yishan almost have a headache. He badly wanted to knock some sense into Khan Bojing. Every girl was beautiful, how was he supposed to know!

Li Wei found herself laughing again. Perhaps Khan Bojing was not as sharp as she gave him credits for. She suddenly wanted to comfort Song Yishan, who was placed in a difficult spot. "He really said that? How unhelpful."

Song Yishan suddenly looked at Li Wei with shiny eyes as if he just stumbled upon a new discovery. Even if Khan Bojing is dense, it's hopeful his lover isn't! "I like you already, big sister."


"Yes, finally you can help me deal with that tasteless Peach!" Song Yishan shuddered as he visualized Khan Bojing's face. He had secretly talked bad about the prince to his lover. "If he comes at me in the future, big sister, please allow me to hold onto your sleeves so I can live."

"If he dares bully you, let me know." Li Wei childishly winked, a strange behavior for someone like her.

Song Yishan winked knowingly back, his breathing returned back to normal. When he sees Bojing again, he will stick out his tongue mischievously. The prince won't dare to retaliate back if he hides behind the big sister!

Li Wei, of course, had no idea what he was thinking. She had a rather good impression of him. He was easygoing and naturally funny. They conversed easily like long time friends. "Khan Bojing... He's in Hai'an?"

"Correct. That storyteller actually knew a thing or two." Song Yishan spoked seriously and even placed his head down as if he was the one apologizing.

Khan Bojing gave such broad instructions to find Li Wei, but he especially emphasized the need for passing this particular line with emotion. No portraits of Li Wei, but he underlined "speak in a sad tone." The prince's priorities were surely misplaced. "Khan Bojing, he feels incredibly sorry to break his promise to you."

Li Wei gave a small smile. She actually felt sorry. Khan Bojing highly valued commitment. To break his own words was to go against his pride. "Yishan, are you heading back soon?"

Song Yishan shook his head. The tasteless Peach actually reiterated the second mission a hundred times, going as far as circling the written instructions. "The first is meet you and pass on the prince's words. The second is... bring you to Hai'an."

Li Wei almost tripped on her own two feet. "Go to Hai'an?"

"Correct." Song Yishan stopped walking as they reached the gates of Li Manor. "Rest well tonight since it's late. Tomorrow I'll come find you again."

Although still unsure of the situation, she could only nod before going inside. As she laid in bed, she tried to think of all reasons why she should go to Hai'an, but found no clear answer.

. . .

Finally, in the late afternoon, San'er came to inform, "Miss, there are two men at the gates asking to see you."

"Invite them in." Li Wei sat in the pavilion as she waited. She ordered for tea and snacks with good intentions. The return of a kind gesture for Song Yishan's help and also, job well done relaying Khan Bojing's messages.

"Big sister!" Song Yishan ran across the garden. The desserts in front of his eyes grabbed his full attention. For sure, ladies were different from men. "Big sister, you're the best!"

"Enjoy yourself." Li Wei leaned back and watched as he stuffed his mouth with food.

Left behind, another man slowly made his way to where they were. Song Yishan was a glutton, but he was still well mannered. He quickly stood up and helped the older man sit down. "Big sister, this is my master, Yue Shangwu."

Yue Shangwu, Li Wei knew him. He visited the palace a couple times. In Hai'an, he was one of the closest and most trusted men of the emperor. Yue Shangwu's public role was royal advisor although his real obligations were of another topic. His purpose for being in Na'an this time, she couldn't guess. "Li Wei greets Master Yue."

Yue Shangwu didn't reply or acknowledge her greeting.

Song Yishan quickly came to the rescue, "Please don't mind, Master Yue is always like this."

Li Wei knew from past experience of Yue Shangwu's personality. She had never spoken directly with him before. At most, they passed each other's distantly. "Song Yishan, what you said yesterday."

"Right." Song Yishan let go of the cake in his hand and gulped a cup of tea. He first peeked around to make sure no one else was around. Then, he leaned over and whispered something into her ear.

Li Wei's eyes almost bulged out. Momentarily, she was too shocked and repeated what he said without thinking. "You need to look at my chest?!"

"Shhh." Song Yishan covered her mouth with his hand so she couldn't scream.

Alright... No loss if she listens. She was willing to hear it out and gave a slight nod to indicate her agreement.

Once he was sure she wouldn't scream, he fell back onto his chair. A thin layer of sweat covered his face.

Song Yishan had practiced this very line for over twenty times to ensure it'd go smoothly, but still messed up. Why though? He thought his request was very clear and simple?

Yue Shangwu shook his head at the useless lass beside him. He took it upon himself to solve the matter. "Khan Bojing claimed you have a mark on your chest, is that correct?"

After Song Yishan's abrupt request, the old man's direct question caused Li Wei to blink a couple times before she grasped his meaning.

A mark? Since when did Khan Bojing have time to notice a mark on her chest?!

The most intimate they've been... They haven't been that close yet?

Li Wei placed her chin on her hand as she flipped through their encounters... Oh, the night he snuck into her room. It had been humid and she didn't expect he would really come either, so that time she indeed wore just a thin nightgown.

Was it then? But weren't his eyes still too observant?!

"I am innocent." Song Yishan slowly pushed his chair backward in caution as if the woman across him could explode any second. The look on Li Wei's face was a terrible sign... It was as if the prince had wronged her.

In this case... He could only raise his hands in surrender. "Khan Bojing was the one who said it! If you didn't know he saw your chest then he's the pervert!"

"Quiet down, Yishan." Yue Shangwu's command immediately zipped Song Yishan. "Was the prince correct?"

"I..." Li Wei hesitated, it was personal information. Yet, a person like Yue Shangwu wouldn't be asking for fun either. Surely he has more important matters to tend to. "... On the left side of my chest."

Song Yishan almost shot out of his seat. Li Wei really took into consideration his previous request and began taking off her outer jacket.

He immediately stopped her, feeling scared. "Big sister, no need. I think I'll really be killed by Khan Bojing if I see even an inch of your skin."

Li Wei glanced him up and down in doubt. "Don't you need to see it?"

"Well, his exact instructions was to check." Song Yishan scratched his head, pondering the endless meaning of "check." At first, he thought he should check in person to confirm it himself. But to check, is it necessary for him to actually see it with his eyes?

He was again, dumbfounded by Khan Bojing's lack of clarification. The prince better prepare to read his thousand characters report!

Best friends or not, no mercy once he returns. He almost died today, alright!

Song Yishan was at his ends' wit and could only weakly suggest, "Eh... How about you just describe it?"

Yue Shangwu grew impatient by the second. Song Yishan, that glutton, was going nowhere. He pulled out from his waist a piece of paper. "You are the crown prince's beloved, I trust you won't tell lies. It it similar to this?"

On Li Wei's chest, just above her heart, there was indeed a mark-- a stroke curved almost like a crescent moon.

When she was younger, the mark was a little dot similar to a mole. Slowly as she aged each year, the red mark began to spread.

"No response means I'm correct." Yue Shangwu took his drawing back. "You must bear this mark, but yours is only halfway formed."

There was no use in denying what the old man just said. Li Wei only watched him with profound interest. She was always curious as well. "What about it?"

Song Yishan slyly slipped back, eager to step back from the tension around him. After all, he was squeezed between two scary people.

One being his cold master and the second being the prince's strangely aggressive lover.

Yue Shangwu served two emperors in his life. He had gone through the best and worst times of his career. Something like this was nothing to him. He laid down the truth at once, "Your birth name is Yue Biya... You are my daughter."