She's a Wildflower

"I think I like you. Really, really like you." His words echoed in her head nonstop as she went on with her day.

It's been almost a week since the last time they shared a kiss under the moonlight, but the memory of his warm lips softly kissing her was as clear as yesterday.

Li Wei couldn't help smiling like a fool as she followed Song Yishan through the busy market street. Because of her daydreaming, she was quite slow.

Song Yishan had to trace back his steps. He looked over her with concern. "Big sister, hold onto my sleeve so you don't get lost with the crowd."

She slightly blushed although he didn't know what she was overthinking about. With a nod, she pushed away the memory and held onto Song Yishan's sleeve. "Yishan, let's buy some flower seeds."

"Sure, follow me." He easily showed her a row of stalls filled with all types of seeds. Whether it was in the palace or in the city, there was no place he wasn't familiar with. Thanks to his mischievous curiosity, he would never get lost.

Li Wei's excited hand brushed upon every bag of flower seed, debating which ones to choose. "Yishan, what flowers do my father like?"

"Master Yue?" Song Yishan tried to flip through his memories helplessly. His master has never fancied flowers much. "Forget flowers. If you want to make him happy, gift him poison."

She dropped the bag of sunflower seeds in her hand. "My father must've never been bored with you around."

He smiled innocently, surely proud of himself. "Thanks for your compliment, big sister."

Li Wei chuckled in amusement, shaking her head. She moved along the long line of stalls. There was not a lack of beautiful flowers, but none seemed to satisfy her.

Song Yishan happily pointed out the plants he recognize, taking his time to explain each plant.

Her joyful mood suddenly came to a stop as a situation caught her attention.

An arrogant woman dressed in fancy robes angrily stomped onto an old vendor's hand. "You poor old man, how could you sell unknown seeds to me!"

"Madam, please accept my apology." The old man begged in between his cries of pain.

Next to him, his grandson clung to his back in tears. "Let my yeye go, you're hurting him!"

"Then tell your grandpa to learn! A bunch of weeds would be growing in my home if I was a fool." The woman cruelly twisted her shoe, the textured sole tearing his skin. "Luckily, I was smart enough not to fall into the trap of a swindler."

Li Wei walked over calmly, her voice ice cold as she ordered without a care to what status the woman held. "You have three seconds to remove your claws."

The woman's mouth dropped in horror. "Claws? This child dares to call my feet as claws?!"

The woman prepared to stomped onto the old man's hand, planning to anger the young woman.

Without batting an eye, Li Wei stuck out her feet and easily kicked the woman.

"Ah! Save me!" The woman screamed as her vision whirled in a flash. Fortunately for her, her two maids standing behind were able to catch her falling body.

Li Wei knelt down and brushed off the old man's hand. "Yeye, are you alright?"

Before the old man could reply, the shameless woman fired back. "Who are you? How dare you attacked me, don't you know who I am?!"

Li Wei rolled her eyes, she truly had no clue who this thick skinned woman was. It seemed people loved questioning her of their statuses.

She lazily turned to Song Yishan. "Who's she?"

Song Yishan, who quietly witnessed this scene with support for Li Wei, dutifully replied, "Big sister, this woman is Madam Su, wife of Su Hong."

"Ah... The madam of Heping Garden?" Li Wei spoke in a mocking tone. "You're saying I've just offended the big madam of a wealthy family?"

"Now you know who I am." Madam Su's face was boastful, seeing the truth rubbed onto the young lady's face. "I demand an apology."

Li Wei raised her eyebrows and nodded as if she agreed, "Indeed, there should be an apology."

Madam Su fanned herself, waiting to hear the words of sorry. After today, the young lady should know never to interfere with her personal matters.

Her husband was Su Hong, the admirable, rich, and number one chef in Hai'an City. What she wants to do, who dares to stop her?

Watching Madam Su and seeing how conceited she was, Li Wei held back the urge to slap the older woman's face. Her villainess ways were on the brink of coming loose.

Li Wei's lips tightened into a thin line as she forced herself to be patient.

When she spoke, she purposely enunciated each word slowly with hopes of it reaching Madam Su's head. "An apology. From you. To this grandpa."

Madam Su's pleased eyes became two fireballs of anger. "A noble lady apologizing to a mere commoner? What world do you live in?"

"This moment, this life. Right now, I live in this world." Li Wei stood up and walked over until she was just a foot away from Madam Su.

A careless smirk decorated her pretty face as Li Wei casually dropped an explosive onto the spoiled woman, "Unlike you, whose world is no bigger than the illusion in your head."

Crazy with the imaginary world she created for herself within her mind... These words implied she was no better than a mad woman.

Madam Su had never been insulted to such a lowly level before in her life. She wished to slap this young lady's smug smirk away!

When the woman's hand raised, Li Wei effortlessly caught her hand. Li Wei threw the woman's hand back against her body with no care to hold back the strength.

Then, Li Wei blew onto her own hands as if she's been dirtied with the woman's touch.

Madam Su felt a sharp pain on her arm. "Call the guards over, this lady just attacked me!"

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself." Li Wei opened her mouth slightly in a surprised manner as if she just remembered. "I'm Biya."

"Who cares when you're a nobody?" Madam Su sneered hatefully. "You are no better than this swindler. Selling when he didn't even know what plants the seeds belonged to."

"Neither were you forced to buy nor pressured to pay." Li Wei glanced at the large bags of seeds before patting it gently as if they were precious bags of treasures. "Furthermore, it's clearly written here. Wildflowers."

"Wildflowers and weeds, what difference is there? All are ugly, all are worthless!"

"Who said wildflowers are of no worth? Wildflowers lack beauty?" Li Wei's eyes turned serious and she scanned every person in the crowd that gathered to watch. "Every plant, whether or not it bears flowers or fruits, hold its own beauty. If you are incapable of appreciating the beauty of nature, perhaps you should take another look at yourself."

Li Wei's cold gaze stopped on Madam Su. "Because in this case, it's highly likely you are the ugly one."

Madam Su was boiling to the point of almost fainting in rage. "You! You dare to insult me?!"

"Yes I did. What will you do about it?" Li Wei crossed her arms, daring the woman to make a move.

Madam Su's group of guards arrived at that moment. Dressed in all black, there were about twenty of them.

Finally, Madam Su felt as if she could breathe normally again. Let's see what this young lady will do. There's escape now.

Li Wei didn't even flinch at the sight of the large muscular men. She gave them no more than quick once over glance, as if they were a bunch of ants.

People just loved introducing themselves to her. In this case, she would do the same. Use the same arrow shot at her to fire back.

"Ah, I forgot." Li Wei lazily added, "I'm Yue Biya... the one and only daughter of Yue Shangwu."

The guards paused in their steps, not daring to move closer. Who in Hai'an didn't know of Yue Shangwu? Other than the emperor, who would dare offend the man?

Madam Su's smirk slowly vanished. This young lady was the child of Yue Shangwu? Her confidence slightly shook.

Li Wei shrugged indifferently under Madam Su's questioning stare. Acting so mighty earlier, Madam Su's face swelled with helplessness. Madam Su abused her power to step on Li Wei, but now with the height of Li Wei's status revealed...

Ha, how funny. People should never attack with something they can't accept if reflected back onto them. "Come at me if you want to deal with my father."

A simple warning. A quick, but successful threat. Madam Su's hands clenched into tight fists. No matter how much she wanted to punish the hateful young lady, she couldn't do anything.

In the end, Madam Su huffed stomped in surrender with her maids and guards trailing behind.

With a wave of her hand, Li Wei dismissed the crowd, "Show's over, go back to your duties."

Those who came to watch the scene all scurried off, eager to spread a new story.

Li Wei pointed to the bags of wildflower seeds. "Yeye, I'll these all of these."

The old man took a close look at the young lady who bravely came to his defense. "Child, be careful. Madam Su is not one to let go of grudges easily."

"En, don't worry." She smiled reassuringly, all her arrogance from her act dropped as if she never behaved in such a rudely and unbothered manner.

Li Wei knelt down and patted the small boy's head. "Take good care of your grandpa. Once you're all grown, don't forget the struggles he went through to raise you."

The small boy shyly nodded, his large eyes staring at her face as if trying to memorize how she looked. From behind, his hands brought out a yellow dandelion.

Rather than accepting it, she turned her face sideways and the little boy tucked the wildflower behind her ear. Li Wei smiled at him kindly, "Thanks, sweetie."

He seemed to be around the Little Bun's age, maybe one or two years older. When she first saw how the boy held onto his grandpa with his small hands, trying his best to help, he tugged at her heartstrings.

When she struggled to keep her eyes open, tears came streaming down her son's face. Khan Bohai's small hands tightly grasped her hand, stubbornly refusing to let go. It was as if he believed she would be okay as long as he held onto her. His heartbreaking cries and wails still haunted her.

Li Wei dropped a generous bag into the old man's hands. The amount inside was worth more than his whole year of earnings. It should last the two of them for years to come if spent wisely. "Find a good home and send the boy to school. In this world, he has no one else but you to depend on. Don't let him down and he will naturally take care of you in return."

The old man's eyes widened in shock, feeling eternally grateful. All of his life, no one had ever been this kind to him. He couldn't offer anything in return except for his empty words of thanks, but before he could do so, the young lady was already walking away.

Song Yishan walked to her side. "Big sister, are you sure you want wildflowers?"

"Wildflowers are naturally strong.I'm lazy and I won't have to do much, it's a win win."

Wildflowers had to grow by their own capabilities, flourishing even in tough conditions. In many people's eyes, wildflowers held no value. Li Wei disagreed. All flowers were beautiful in her eyes. Soon, her father's garden would be filled with a spectacular sight of colors.

If Li Wei was honest, she felt a connection to them. She, herself, was very much like a wildflower.

Song Yishan stopped walking and turned to Li Wei, asking the other question he was curious of, "Why did you reveal yourself? People are bound to talk, you'll be the next big name on the streets."

She took a meatball skewer from Song Yishan's hand and popped the delicious treat into her mouth.

The situation today was coincidental and her warmhearted intentions were done wholeheartedly.

But she was not one to lie to herself. She definitely took advantage of the situation. The revelation of her identity was done on purpose.

To answer him, she simple responded, "Let them talk. The more the better, the farther the better."

When one wants to catch a big fish, one must use a big bait.