Your Heart That Likes Me

All descendants of the Yue could only give life to one child. That was, if they practice magic. If not, then it's the same as other's.

Li Wei turned to Khan Bojing. She was aware of this rule, but the prince was clearly left out of the loop.

The peach in Khan Bojing's hand dropped onto the floor and bounced down the steps, as hopelessly as the expression on his face.


In the outdoor dining area, four people sat in silence. Despite the countless delicious food on the table, it was a quiet dinner.

Across the table, Song Yishan pointed towards Li Wei. His eyes screamed to her, big sister, please say something!

Li Wei was not oblivious to his desperate calls, but she didn't make a move. She slowly chewed the dumpling in her mouth.

Khan Bojing couldn't taste the food on his plate. His thoughts were all over the place. Every now and then, his eyes glanced at Li Wei's flat stomach.

Yue Shangwu, as Li Wei's father, didn't dare to place her future in jeopardy to satisfy his father's selfish wish. On the other hand, his father wanted to take advantage of Li Wei's birthright for the nation's future.

He was well aware of the two opposing sides' reasoning. It was complicated, but one simple fact stood out to him most.

One of the old man wanted them to be together, and the other didn't.

Clink! Yue Shangwu slammed his cup against the marble tabletop and a thin layer of frost was left in its wake. "Stop playing and speak!"

Song Yishan slightly jumped, grasping the prince's arm. He mouthed, "Bojing!"

Khan Bojing couldn't move. The dumpling between his chopsticks was no longer soft. Rather, it was quite crunchy...

Li Wei leisurely touched the ice in amazement and casually dropped, "Father, you're so cool."

Yue Shangwu shrugged, the little trick was no big deal. Hearing her praise, he suggested, "If that is so, then forget the prince. Learn magic and stay by my side."

Her eyes sparkled mischievously, "Should I do that?"

The half eaten dumpling dropped onto his plate. Khan Bojing narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Forget the prince...?

Li Wei shrugged teasingly, "Becoming a sorceress doesn't sound bad..."

"Big sister, you'll become my junior!" Song Yishan, who was just scared of his master, recovered quickly. He wanted to join in the fun.

"Then senior, please take good care of me--" Li Wei stopped talking mid sentence as Khan Bojing's hand clasped onto hers.

Yue Shangwu softly blew onto the cup in his hands, and the frozen tea instantly became warm again.

He couldn't see it, but it was obvious. "Biya, stop playing with the prince. At this rate, he won't leave tonight."

Li Wei's cheeks turned crimson. "Y-yes, father."

"Child, I don't wish for you to walk upon my path," Yue Shangwu honestly said. "Becoming a sorceress, you'll have immense power but with it, danger roams all around. Everyone will want a piece of you, whether or not it's taken by consent."

His hand hover aimlessly, trying to find her. Li Wei placed her head under his hand.

Yue Shangwu smiled sadly as he pat her head. When everyone wants a piece of you, they hide behind their masks. "I don't want you to be like me, growing old alone."

"Yes, father. I respect and accept your decision," Li Wei said reassuringly.

"Let's talk more tomorrow." Yue Shangwu stood up to leave, Song Yishan trailing behind. Her father stopped at the doorstep and politely said, "Your Highness, please don't stay past midnight."

Li Wei cautiously glanced at Khan Bojing. "Yebai...?"

"..." Khan Bojing had no response. Master Yue's message wasn't really a message. Rather, it was a warning.

It was an order to leave before midnight.

She pinched his cheeks and teasingly asked, "Will you be scared to come find me now?"

"No, nothing can stop me from coming to you." He walked over and sat next to her, clearly proving his point.

"Then, what if I run away--"

Khan Bojing pulled her onto his lap, his sudden action stopping her words. He moved his mouth near her ear and whispered, "You can't escape, it's too late."

"Ah, I'll just be good and stay..."

Just as he let down his guard, she bolted away. From across the room, she looked at him in amusement. Then, she waved him over.

In a flash, before she could catch her breathing, he pinned her against the wall. His arms strongly held her, not allowing for another trick this time. "Don't think of running away."

"Then..." Li Wei's lips spread into a knowing smile. "I'll just stick to you."

Khan Bojing was deeply satisfied. He laid her head against his chest tenderly. "Hear that, Xiao Wei? My heart is beating for you. It's calling your name."

Her little finger poked his chest and she peered up at him innocently, "This heart of yours... It can speak?"

Her clear eyes blinked adoringly, waiting for an answer. Tonight, she was really testing his patience.

The corners of his lips curved up. "En, can you hear it?"

"I can't."

He pulled her tighter against him then asked again, "How about now?"

"I still can't."

He pressed her against the wall, his body touching hers with no gap in between. "Now?"

Every inch of his skin stuck onto hers. Li Wei's cheeks were on fire. She could barely speak.

His heartbeat drummed against her ear, it was all she could hear. But she denied it and dared to shake her head.

Khan Bojing stared at her blankly, as if trying to see whether or not she was playing. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, to tell him she couldn't hear it, his hot lips sealed hers frantically.

"Ah..." Li Wei gasped in surprise.

He immediately pulled back. His eyebrows furrowed in worry and his thumb grazed lightly on her lips that glistened with his saliva. "Xiao Wei, what's wrong?"

"Yebai, can you be honest with me?" She paused, taking a moment of hesitation. "You and me, what do you see for us in the future?"

Even when she didn't speak of it directly, he knew she was afraid. Perhaps, this has been on her mind for a while.

Khan Bojing rested his chin on her head. "Xiao Wei, perhaps you didn't know. You had my heart a long time ago."

His confession got her to abruptly looked up with shining eyes, begging to hear more.

He laughed lightly at her obvious eagerness, rubbing her head fondly. "En, you heard that right. I'm crazy about you."

Li Wei wrapped her arms around his neck and left kisses all over his face. "Yebai, you are worth more than any treasure in the world."

"Then, tell me. Did you missed me?"

She cupped her hand around his ear and whispered to him sweetly, "I missed you the most."

Khan Bojing's heart skipped a beat, recalling her taste of sweetness. His voice filled with slight huskiness as he asked, "How much...?"

Instead of answering, Li Wei bravely pulled him down and captured his lips. She kissed him softly at first, almost like the light fluttering of a butterfly seeking nectar from a flower.

With her kiss, she sought closeness in the breaths they shared. In this moment, it was just them. They were each other's, to take and enjoy.

One of his hand acted as a cushion behind her head and the other tightly coiled around her waist. When their tongues touched, it was as if a spark was ignited.

Li Wei felt as if she could get lost in him forever. She loved just how he spoiled her with his affection, matching his words with actions.

The amount of care he put forth in their intimate moments made her melt under his touch. The way his lips kissed her firmly, passionately, and with all his sincerity, filled her heart with immense joy.

A shiver ran up her spine, drawing a soft moan from her lips, "Mmm..."

The subtle sound of pleasure did something to him. Khan Bojing's hand ambiguously traced down the curve of her hips.

He whispered against her lips in surrender, "Xiao Wei, you're driving me crazy."

Li Wei's eyes fluttered open. With his eyes still closed and lips still on hers, he looked especially lovable.

Intertwining their hands together, she smiled and said, "Yebai, your heart that calls my name... I think I can hear it."

"Is that so?"

"En." Her eye closed again and she gave him another kiss. "And your heart that likes me... I really, really like it."

He swept her up in pure bliss, his lips trailing kisses from her lips down onto her neck.

His voice came to her in the dark, strong and sure, honest and true. "Xiao Wei, if you like it, it's yours. My heart will be all yours to keep, now and forever. In this world, my heart belongs only to you."