So Lovelyyyy, Not So Lovely

In the garden, Li Wei picked wildflowers with San'er. Her inexperienced hands clumsily wrapped the stems together.

"Miss, make sure to hold it tight so the flowers don't fall apart." San'er reached out to help Li Wei with her floral wreath.

"Thank you, San'er." With the addition of the last flower, Li Wei placed the flowers on her head.

San'er giggled as she also did the same. Even picking flowers was fun when it was with her young miss.

From the pavilion, Song Yishan calmly sipped tea. The two girls seemed to be enjoying themselves with something as simple as flower crowns.

When he placed the cup of tea down, he glanced at his master, who had been sitting stiffly for the last two hours. "Master, big sister might just vanish from your intense supervision."

"Cough," Yue Shangwu cleared his throat. That youngster unexpectedly saw through his mission.

After big sister's arrival in Hai'an, Song Yishan's courage increased daily. He dared to question his master, "You're so worried, why did you send big sister directly to the prince's quarters?"

"Better safe than sorry. At most, I'll just become a grandfather."

The tea in his mouth same spurting out.

Master Yue as a grandfather?!

The notion of Yue Shangwu being a supportive father to his daughter's love life was heartwarming, but to imagine him holding a child...

Song Yishan's eyebrows scrunched together. "Master, why can't I imagine you and a baby in the same frame...?"

"Just wait, I'll show you how lovely of a grandfather I'll be," Yue Shangwu retorted back.

Master Yue being described as a lovely grandfather?

That statement itself was insane.

How could a cold master of magic and poison be called lovely...?

Of course, Song Yishan knew how to spare his own life. He didn't speak his thoughts aloud.

At just the right time, Li Wei lightly skipped over. She poured herself a cup of juice. "Yishan, how do I look?"

"Big sister, you're prettier than the flowers!" Song Yishan cheerfully exclaimed.

She patted his head fondly. "Good, good, you sure know how to compliment a girl."

He smiled like a puppy. "Hehe. By the way, big sister, you're glowing... Especially after last night's adventure."

Li Wei's face froze. She secretly eyed her father, who acted as if he didn't hear Song Yishan's statement.

She slowly asked, "Yishan, do you want some flowers too?"

Song Yishan slowly backed away. "I, ah, no thanks."

Hah, he would surely change his answer soon. Li Wei smirked, "Not even for the princess?"

Song Yishan wavered. The pretty flowers looked good on big sister, if his princess wore one too, how lovely would she be?

Again, his thoughts proved that the word "lovely" was more matching for his sweet princess, not his strict master.

He was suddenly determined to make a flower crown for Khan Nazha. "Okay, big sister, how do I make one?"

"I'm tired... You figure it out yourself." Li Wei sat back against the chair as Song Yishan excitedly ran away.

Just as she was getting comfortable, her father's grip on his cane tightened. "Someone's here."

"A guest?"

"Someone from the palace."

Li Wei couldn't think of anyone else other than Khan Bojing who would visit. But he shouldn't have recovered so fast.

"Not the prince," Her father unhappily muttered.

Li Wei, "..."

A while later, the gate guard came with a woman dressed in elaborate clothing trailing behind. The woman looked to be in her mid thirties. There was no wrinkles on her clothes and no hair out of place.

Her appearance showed that she was a kempt person. A person of no ordinary status. "This humble servant greets Master Yue."

Li Wei silently watched as her father deliberately ignored the guest. Since her late return, he had been grumpy.

In the morning, he ignored her. All afternoon while she was playing, he only stood from afar.

Honestly, it was her fault. She shouldn't have stayed so long.

Yet, if he demanded for an answer, she'd just used Khan Bojing as the excuse. It wasn't really lying.

The prince was the reason why she was held back quite literally.

"Cough cough."

Ah, the guest was still there. This woman was named Xiurong, the personal maid of the empress. Not only was Xiurong the closest person to Chu Fangyin, she was also the head palace maid.

Definitely not a person she wanted to mess with. At least, for now.

"Uhh, father..." Li Wei finally mumbled out.

"Speak and leave," He finally said.

Xiurong presented a gold scroll. "Her Highness has heard of the glorious return of your daughter, Chu Biya. If she would attend this week's morning flower party as an honored guest of the empress, Her Highness would be most delighted."


"Big sister, your book is upside down," Song Yishan remarked brazenly.

Perhaps it was because he was spending too much time with her, he was slowly becoming straightforward with no filter. Li Wei, whose eyes had been staring into thin air, glared at him.

When she smiled, she looked like the warmest sunray. When she wasn't... she was the freezing snow.

Song Yishan's mouth hung opened. "Wait wait, don't be mad. Let me explain."

"There's an explanation?"

Song Yishan's eyes sparked. "Of course! I'll spill you some tea."

She was dubious of his mischievous face. "Hot?"

"Scorching," He guaranteed.


Feeling victorious, he hurriedly spoke in a hushed tone. "Big sister, you can't get mad at me. Before you came, do you know what Master Yue said? He said he'll be a lovely grandfather one day. Did you hear that clearly? He said, lovelyyyy."

She almost dropped the book from her hand. "He called himself lovely?!"

Seeing her shocked reaction, Song Yishan roared in laughter. He was happy to know, he wasn't the only one!

Li Wei couldn't believe her father was so fast. He already imagined himself being a grandfather.

She rushed Song Yishan out the door. "You can dismiss yourself. I'll consider whether or not you're in the clear."

From the end of the hallway, Song Yishan's high pitched voice horribly sung, "Lovely, we're all so lovelyyyy."

She suddenly wondered, was he drunk? Needless to say, she shut the door immediately.

She needed to think.

The flower parties were held twice a month, usually attended by noble ladies of the wealthiest in Hai'an. At the gathering, there would be performances, desserts, and discussions around the themes of flowers.

Chu Fangyin sent a personal invitation. But why? What was the woman's hidden intentions? The empress wouldn't be so kind to simply invite her for sweets and tea.

The book flew onto the table with a loud bang as she threw it over, finally facing upright.

Large letters on the cover read, "Book Of Plants... as noted by Yishan's imaginative narrations."

"..." As tacky as the book seemed to be, she picked it up again. Her fingers flipped the first page opened.

On the morning of the gathering, she woke up early. Her hair was styled into a fancy high bun with a crescent silver hair piece. Silver beads from the hairpin dangled softly onto her forehead.

She wore an elegant, deep blue ombre dress that was form fitting on the top and a flowy skirt. The bell shaped sleeves flowed prettily when she lifted her hands.

Where an embroidered belt accentuated her small waist was the deepest blue, an almost black color. On the large mirror, her eyes didn't shine as usual. Instead, two pools of darkness returned her gaze.

The palace was where she took her last breath. She never wanted to lose the ones she loved again.

Thus, this time, she must make the first move.