Three Words Between Us

Li Wei couldn't stop laughing as she walked through the palace. Chu Fangyin's face of terror when addressed as 'mother in law' was all too amusing.

"Xiao Wei, what's so funny?"

A soft gasp escaped her lips as Khan Bojing appeared from behind a tree. He grinned in amusement at her surprised face. "Happy to see me?"

Li Wei nervously looked around. "You should be careful, there are eyes and ears everywhere here."

"Should I?" Khan Bojing didn't listen to her warning. Rather, he was against it. He carelessly walked over.

She took a step back. "Hey hey, watch yourself. As a prince you can't be seen with just any woman--"

Khan Bojing tugged on her sleeves and she came into his arms. His deep voice whispered into her ears, "You're not just any woman, Xiao Wei. You're my woman."

It seemed that after he recovered, his mouth also became sweeter... Li Wei's cheeks burned bright red at his blunt words.

"You're still shy after what we've done?" He teased.

She pushed him away, stuttering as she said, "W-what did we do?"

"Shall I remind you?" Khan Bojing wiggled his eyebrows mischievously.

"No need, I remember..." Li Wei trailed off, the memories of their activity in his room still clear in her mind.

"Big brother!" A sweet voice called out.

Khan Nazha, the princess of Hai'an, shone like a fresh morning flower. Dressed in a light pink dress, she came running cheerfully.

Khan Bojing opened his arms and patted his sister's head affectionately. "Missed me?"

The young princess nodded. "I came as soon as I heard you've recovered. I'm so mad at father, I refused to talk to him. If he doesn't apologize to you, I won't talk to him ever again!"

"You'll really do that?" He playfully pinched her chubby cheeks. "Don't be mad at him, I'm okay. Look, I'm back stronger than before."

"Truly?" She asked.

He grinned, "Of course."

Khan Nazha's innocent smile filled her pretty face. "Then I'll talk to father tonight!"

"Nana, I want you to meet someone." Khan Bojing gently pulled a shy Li Wei over.

Li Wei awkwardly smiled. As far as it went, the little princess and her didn't get along before...

Khan Nazha's round eyes widened. "Is this sister in law?"

"Who else?" Khan Bojing winked.

Her small hands clamped over her mouth. Khan Nazha was shocked her brother was so brazen when it came to his lover. She happily jumped up and down, "Big brother, she's so pretty!"

Li Wei looked at the princess again. Did Khan Nazha just complimented her?

"Big sister, finally I get to meet you! You don't know, big brother has told me so much about you. Why don't you come play with me tomorrow?" Khan Nazha happily suggested.

The princess liked her so easily?! Li Wei hesitated, "I..."

"She'll come," Khan Bojing knowingly intercepted. "Go back first, I'll join you for dinner later."

Khan Nazha obediently complied with her big brother. "Okay, I'll be waiting."

"What do you think? Isn't my sister cute?" He asked as they walked towards the carriages.

Cute? The naughty Khan Nazha that played pranks on her, messing with her shoes, clothes, and food? Yeah, the princess was... Li Wei forced a smile, "En, lovely."


In a private room in Heping Garden, Li Wei happily stuffed herself with food. Her cheeks puffed out due to the excessive amount of food in her mouth.

Khan Bojing watched her, his lips curving up in amusement. "Hungry?"

"Not really, but I can't waste your food," She mumbled in between bites.

His fingertip lightly tapped her budging cheek. "So cute, Xiao Wei."

She could only nod, "Mmm."

He glanced at her and casually suggested, "How about after eating, we do some kissing?"

She almost choked.

Khan Bojing was more blunt than ever. Her round eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Your mouth is dripping with honey today."

"Not just today, everyday. If you want a taste, just come at me," He shamelessly said.

Li Wei gulped down a few mouthful of tea. She didn't dare look at him. If she saw his face, she would be tempted and they were... in a public place.

"Don't be shy, we're the only ones here. I rented out the whole place tonight."

Her mouth almost dropped. Rented the whole place? Was that necessary?

If she asked him, he would say yes. It was definitely necessary.

Khan Bojing motioned for her to go over. "Xiao Wei, come here."

Was he serious? Well, not that she was exactly complaining... Li Wei was barely up when she was pulled onto his lap. "Ah..."

Khan Bojing snuggly placed his chin on her shoulder, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

He was more sticky than usual... Li Wei turned slightly, trying to face him. "Yebai, what's wrong?"

His voice was filled with regret as he said, "Today, you were bullied by Imperial Mother and I couldn't do anything. I was late to find out her plans."

"Yebai, you've done well. You recovered as you promised. Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself." She smiled, trying to brighten the topic. "Don't you think I did a good job today?"

His fingertips teased the collars. Her honey skin peeked from under, tempting him to get closer. "You were stunning, twirling in this blue dress..."

Li Wei noticed the change in his voice and tapped his forehead, "Hey, behave yourself. Where are we?"

"We are in a private room together," He replied as a matter of fact.

"..." She helplessly sighed, "What kind of room?"

Before answering her, he slyly sneaked a kiss onto her collarbones. "Dining... But if my meal is you, does that still counts?"

Her fingers pressed against his naughty lips. "Not here."

"Just a kiss?" He pleaded.

Li Wei glanced at his plump and pink lips that screamed for her attention. Helpless against him, she went up for a quick peck.

Unlike her, he thought differently. As soon as she came up, he refused to part. He kissed her fervently, his tongue taking over dominance.

As he requested, he wouldn't go beyond a kiss, but that didn't stop his hands from brushing over her waist. He couldn't get enough of her sweetness. Even when they were touching, it wasn't close enough.

His heart hurt. When she cried, he felt her pain. Khan Bojing knew it was a performance. He knew it clearly and still, he couldn't bear to see her in tears.

In that moment, he wanted more than anything to rush up the platform and pull her into his arms. He wanted to wipe her tears away, tell her it's okay, and hug her until she felt better.

The sooner she became his, the safer she'd be. He would be able to stay with her more and protect her from those who wanted to hurt her. Before decisions were made for him, he needed to choose for himself.

After their long kiss, he laid his head onto her shoulders wordlessly. She took his hand into her own and intertwined their fingers. Her hands slowly warmed his cold ones.

"Xiao Wei."


"My father has approved of us."

Li Wei's eyes widened. The emperor had given his approval... On what conditions?

"Don't worry. If my father agreed, then he meant it." He caressed her cheeks lovingly, "Xiao Wei, I want to introduce you properly to my parents. I want them to meet you."

Without asking, she knew who he meant. His parents were the ones who raised him with love, who truly cared for him without ulterior motives. To meet Mother and Father Xu, he was serious about their relationship.

Her heart softened. She had never been introduced to them before, not in her first life. "Okay."

Khan Bojing's eyes shone brightly and he called out to her intimately again, "Xiao Wei."

The way he called her, she could listen to him all day. She met his gaze, patiently answering, "Hmm?"

"Xiao Wei, I love you."

Li Wei blinked furiously, taken by surprise of his confession. The way he treated her and cared for her, it was clear he liked her. It was just... This was the first time he said it aloud.

He broke into laughter at her bewildered face, the pleasant sound of his voice stroking her heartstrings. "I said I love you, Xiao Wei. Anything you want to tell me too?"

She shyly tightened her lips together. They both knew she loved him. There were times she confessed before, but this time it felt different.

Tonight, she knew he loved her too. And that made all the difference.

Her slender fingers wounded up and around his neck. She gazed deeply into his eyes, more sincere than ever. She called out to him delicately, "Yebai."

Thump. Thump. Thump. His heartbeat drummed against his chest, his voice husky when he replied, "Yeah?"

"I love you, Yebai. For a long time, I've loved you. More than you'll ever know, but I'll use the rest of my life to show you that I love you." Her heart bloomed with happiness at the sight of his lips spreading into a dazzling smile.

Khan Bojing's ears were blessed with the sweetest voice speaking the most loving words in the world. Tonight, for sure, he would not be getting any sleep.

His arms tightened around her waist refusing to ever let go and whispered to her, "How about we seal it with a kiss?"

She moved towards him and he towards her. Their lips met and melded into a gentle kiss as soft as fluffy clouds on a clear day.

From the day they met until now, she had never doubted him. He too, fully trusted her. The relationship they had was filled with trust and care, given and received by both.

He glanced at her slightly swollen red lips. "One more?"

She smiled knowingly, "Come here."

"Always." This word held more meanings than one. Always, he would go to her. Always, he would be with her. And always, he would love her.

He reached out for her and again, she met him halfway.