Her Last Fight

The already stunning large hall was extravagantly decorated. Hundreds of servants moved about, completing various tasks to perfect the event. Inside the space, noble families of Hai'an gathered joyfully.

A group of beautiful dancers performed in the center where the colorful lanterns around the platform emphasized their fairy-like image.

The best seats for the performances were the delicately carved gold chairs at the front. Everyone else could only watch the dancers from the back. No one else was as important as the emperor and empress.

Li Wei glanced around the room. Once her intimidating eyes caught their stares, the nobles quickly focused on the dancers. When her eyes landed on the man beside her, she stopped.

Khan Bojing didn't look upon formalities as strongly as his predecessors. He had on a comfortable and light robe. The deep green color matched his humble and kind personality.

Wordlessly, he had been staring at her. She just caught him. "Something on my face?"

Khan Bojing shook his head. "Nothing."

"Oh." She pretended not to know.

The song playing was initially soft and gentle. Towards the peak, the flutist suddenly joined the rest of the musicians. The sound of the flute took over the tune, building excitement for the highlight of the performance.

The dancers separated and from within the circle formation, a woman dressed in red emerged. The bright color, along with her effortless twirls, made it hard for anyone to look away. She had captured all the attention and focus of the room.

Once the woman smiled, loud gasps were heard almost simultaneously. Too beautiful!

From the moment she appeared until the end, every breath fell and rose with her graceful figure across the platform. When the last note was played, the woman bowed, and the audience gave her a standing ovation.

That was, all except Li Wei.

Nothing described previously could be applied to her. She was one of the few that couldn't enjoy the dance. Anyone else would do, why was it that woman?

The dancer walked to the back where a man in blue was seated. She humbly smiled towards those who looked at her in awe. Her back was upright and her posture exuded elegance.

Khan Bojing stood up and held a toast, "This is my heartfelt thank you to you all who came to celebrate my return. Please enjoy the meal and eat comfortably, as my home is your home."

The young, but wise emperor was rewarded with thunderous claps. Afterwards, a lavish meal was served and the room began filling with bright conversations.

Li Wei didn't find the hundreds of dishes placed in front of her appetizing. Her chopsticks hesitated in the air. Perhaps she should excuse herself early.

Her excuse? She'd say she was tired. Tired from what? To that, she didn't have a response.

Her chopsticks fell defeatedly. At least she should stay until the end of the meal. How could the empress leave in the midst of a celebration for her husband?

A meatball was suddenly placed into her bowl.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice came out colder than she anticipated.

Khan Bohai sat between the chairs obediently. He was used to her tone and answered smoothly, "Uncle Ye brought me."

"Your father allows you to come?"

"En!" He nodded.

Li Wei wordlessly took a bite of the meatball. Soft and not too bad. The little one likes this stuff?

"You're not mad?"

"Not mad," She assured. It couldn't be called mad, it was more like annoyed. And not because of him.

The little boy stuffed his mouth with delicious meatballs dipped in sweet sauce. His chubby cheeks puffed out as he chewed happily.

She took out her handkerchief and reached towards his face where there was a smudge from the sauce. The soft fabric almost touched his cheeks when Khan Bojing returned. Her fingers let go and the handkerchief fell.

Khan Bohai saw a flash and caught it before it reached the floor. This had his mommy's scent!

"Is it yours?" He asked.


"Smells like you."

"..." Li Wei couldn't deny it. She hurriedly wiped his mouth. "Don't talk too much when eating."

He looked down. "S-sorry."

"Don't say sorry," She quickly added.

No saying sorry? What should he say then? Khan Bohai was a little confused. He scooted over to his father who ate quietly.

"Did I do wrong?" The little boy whispered.

Khan Bojing noticed the boy's clean mouth. "Not wrong today, wrong last week."


He gave a stern look, not being forgiving this time. "You didn't clean up after you played. Not only did you make your mother fall, you also wrote something mean to her. Khan Bohai, what do I teach you everyday?"

"Sorry, daddy." It was his fault about the mud play. As for the second wrongdoing, Khan Bohai disagreed. "I didn't write mean."

Khan Bojing still remembered that look of horror. "What did you write then?"

Khan Bohai whispered carefully, "I wrote..."

Li Wei couldn't hear their conversation, but Khan Bojing's gaze on her was very telling. She downed a cup of wine. "San'er, take me back. I'll retire for the night."

San'er came and took the empress' hand. "Watch your steps, Your Highness."

"Bojing, my friend you're truly amazing! When I heard of your victory, I had to come personally to congratulate you. I'm still grateful for what you've done to help Lan'er and I. Just like before, Na'an will always have Hai'an's back."

Hua Xifeng stood in the flesh engaging in a conversation with Khan Bojing. The crown prince of Na'an was dressed in a splendid blue attire.

Clutching his arm was his beloved wife, Li Zhilan, the star of the night. She smiled sweetly while chatting with the two men casually.

"Imperial Mother, you're leaving?"

Khan Bohai's question brought the two guests' attention towards the woman nearby. It had been many years since they last saw her. Those fox like eyes were familiar, yet, unrecognizable.

They could no longer read her thoughts.

Li Wei ignored their stares. To her, they no longer existed. "I'm tired."

"Wait for me! I'm tired too!" Khan Bohai ran to her. As if to proof he was really tired, the smart boy gave a big yawn.

Li Zhilan's bright eyes were tinted with envy. The adorable child ran towards the villainess as if she was the most warmhearted person. After all these years, Hua Xifeng and her hadn't...

"It's okay," Hua Xifeng whispered to her.

Li Wei allowed the boy to hold onto her sleeves. Whether or not he knew it, he somehow helped her out of the suffocating situation.

"Sweet child," She complimented him.

Khan Bohai's smile was very big until they reached outside. Then, he stopped and his smile dropped.

"What's wrong?"

He found it hard to look at her. "Imperial Mother, you're a good liar."

"Which part?"

"Sweet..." He didn't want to say it. It was another lie.

She knew it. "Sweet child?"

His silence confirmed her guess.

"You are a sweet child," She told him honestly.

Khan Bohai's eyes shone brighter than the stars above. "Really?!"


"It's not a lie...?" He was a bit scared. After he found out about lies, he started to dislike it. He wished his mother didn't lie so much.

Li Wei smiled sincerely, "I'm not lying."

Khan Bohai decided to trust his mother. Other adults always told him his mother didn't like him. Tonight, he thought they were wrong. His mommy doesn't hate him. In fact, she kind of likes him.

This thought made him very happy. He decided to be good. "I'll go with Uncle Ye."

She nodded. "Alright."

"Sweet dreams..." Mommy, he added in his head.

"You too, sweet dreams." Li Wei watched him go to Ye Mo, who waited nearby. After their figures disappeared, she also left the bustling hall behind.

San'er quietly trailed behind. "Miss, I think the little prince likes you."

Li Wei's gaze lingered on the pretty peach trees planted by the sides of the stone pathway. Was it the day he first came to her? In the beginning, she was awkward with him. She naturally treated him as cold as she did to the others.

Was it his innocence or was it because she was his mother? Khan Bohai wasn't distant with her as others were. The more they talked, the more she found it to be fun and enjoyable. After each meeting, she found herself looking forward to seeing him again.

Khan Bohai liked her so much that a small acknowledgement from her, even a glance in his direction, was enough to make him smile foolishly.

She, too, really liked him.

Her heart became hopeful. "San'er, do you really think so?"

There was no reply. San'er was nowhere to be seen. In her place was a man she never wished to see.

A man named Gu Guangli.

Li Wei stepped back. "Why are you here?"

His lips formed into a wicked grin. "Li Wei, I knew you wouldn't forget me."

"Don't be delusional."

Delusional? If anything, he found the woman in front of him to be delusional. "I didn't think you could get any prettier, you vixen."

Remembering what he had done to her before, her body trembled in fear. She could see the undisguised lust in his malicious eyes.

Gu Guangli roughly caught her hand and smirked victoriously. She remembered what happened between them. How cute.

His tight grip on her felt like a prison sentence. "Let go!"

"What game do you think you're playing, Li Wei? Do you think a slut like you can transform into an empress? A fox can never turn into a phoenix, my dear."

"You have no right to speak to me like that!'" She grimaced in pain as he squeezed even harder.

"Why can't I when you should've been mine?!" Gu Guangli disliked her rebellious behavior. He smacked her ruthlessly.

Li Wei's head hit the ground and the brutal impact blurred her vision. She could barely stay conscious.

The sight of the woman struggling on the ground brought satisfaction to him. Gu Guangli leaned disgustingly close, "Li Wei, a woman like you belongs nowhere but on my bed. You have no job but to please me. Every night you'll call one else's but my name. You'll die only if I allow it!"

Despite feeling half dead, she managed to spit on him. "You're crazy!"

"Keep at it and see how I'll punish that mouth of yours!" He forcibly pulled her chin. The more she struggled, the more he wanted to break her. Break her until she couldn't get back up.

Li Wei closed her eyes tightly. A worthless person like Gu Guangli didn't deserve to be looked at.

Gu Guangli changed his mind, he liked her little fights. His hands wrapped around her neck. Li Wei's hands found the small knife hidden in her waist belt. His hot breath met her skin. She grabbed the handle.

"There's nothing I don't know about you, Li Wei. Remember you're no more than a doll to fulfill my desires," He smugly brushed his lips against her skin.

The unstoppable hatred that had settled at the bottom of her heart stirred awake. Li Wei forced herself to stay calm and secretly held the knife behind him.

From the first day, her life had been unfair. She hated her horrible fate and despised the heavens. The tears yesterday would no longer be shed today. If it were to end here, she would end it as a braver and stronger her.

Let tonight be the night she becomes a murderer.


A spine chilling voice tore the night.

She hadn't struck and the one that screamed wasn't her either.

Li Wei's eyes opened. "Khan Bojing..."