Small Matters

Yi Zhengting.

From the moment he strolled in, Khan Bojing was already aware of his identity. And honestly, he did not care much for it. "Friends? You and I can never be friends."

The young emperor laughed, already knowing the prince's response. "Too much hatred between our bloods?"

"No. Those who looks down on my woman can't be my friend."

Yi Zhengting's laugh ended dryly. He could not believe his ears. So simple?

Khan Bojing couldn't be bothered to say more. He pushed the man aside and took Li Wei away. His hold on her didn't lessen until they were at the gates of her house. Only then, did he stopp to pull her into his arms.

Li Wei stayed still, quietly watching him. She, too, knew things were more complicated than what was shown on the surface. The situation between Le'kai and Hai'an wasn't bright. A war couldn't be avoided between the two kingdoms before. This time, the war may also not be avoided.

Song Yishan ran up to them from where he was waiting. "Big sister, master wants to see you."

"Xiao Wei, go ahead."

"Alright, I'll be busy preparing for our engagement ceremony. I'm afraid I might not see you until the actual day," She pouted her lips cutely.

Khan Bojing pinched her cheeks. "Mmm, it's because I want to marry you as soon as possible."

"Holding a wedding just one month after the engagement... is it too fast?"

"It's too much, I can't even memorize one formula within one month!"

The couple glanced at Song Yishan at the same time. Khan Bojing's expression was grim, "Yishan, go in first."

"Fine..." He trudged back towards the stairs. "It's not like I want to eat dog food anyway."

Once the boy was gone, Khan Bojing smiled, "My father wanted our wedding to take place before the winter months. It's less troublesome to hold a banquet in fine weather."

"I'm just not sure if I'll be warmly accepted as your princess consort. What if it's too sudden?" She had been quietly worried.

"Don't worry," He assured. "Since you announced your identity on the streets and performed in the palace, everyone was intrigued. If anything, they'll praise me for my good taste in choosing you."

She suddenly felt a bit shy. "Yebai..."

Hearing the way she called him, Khan Bojing grinned. "My wife, why do you think so many rumors have been spreading since then about you?"

"So it was your doing?"

"En, but it's all your good attributions. Nothing about your shamelessness." He stuck out his tongue.

"... Khan Bojing, watch what you are saying!"

Instead of returning to he palace right away, Khan Bojing was chased around the street until she got him to piggyback her all around the block.

Then, she hurriedly ran inside.


Heping Garden was booming with business. The lines extended way out the door with people squeezed together. From the third floor window, Li Wei let out a smile.

Su Hong was naturally talented. His only drawback was the misfortune of being born into poverty. The hardworking man had always been kind and humble. With a light push on his back, he was able to stand on the highest step of his dream profession.

Three knocks came from the door. "Miss, Master Mo is here."

Master Mo entered the room and closed the door behind him. After making sure they were alone, he asked in a hushed tone, "Li Wei, is there progress? At this point, I'm sure there's been no village we haven't searched, but there's been no luck so far."

"I've found her."

His eyes widened in shock.

Li Wei smiled faintly. "For her safety, I can't reveal too much, but our mission's completed. You can report to Her Highness."

"Have you always known, or just found out?" Master Mo asked after taking time to ponder about the matter deeply.

"You can say, I had an idea. It was just a matter of time before I could act upon my guess. Anyway, with His Majesty's support over the span of almost four years, both the Li and Mo families went through a period of prosperity and financial gains. You can't consider it as wasting time either, right?"

While he was focused only on their goal, the girl had already thought years ahead, killing two birds with one stone. The older man looked at the girl with a profound level of understanding and admiration. "Li Wei, you've truly done well. Your aunt will be proud. I look forward to more collaborations in the future."

"So am I." Li Wei only glanced once outside, then also left shortly after.

Next to Heping Garden was a building in the middle of renovations. It was not yet opened to the public. The interiors were being redesigned, as a new master just bought the shop. The two servants by the door immediately welcomed her.

"Li Wei, you've arrived," Madam Yan looked up from the fabric in her hands. "Our newest inventories just came in."

Around the spacious room, thousands of brocades were strewn across tables and shelves while hundreds of others were still being carried in. Li Wei touched a soft roll of silk. "Madam Yan, the last time I bought fabrics from your shop, I was deeply impressed with the quality. If you're not busy, can I bother you to take charge for my gown in the engagement banquet?"

"Li Wei, you've supported us in Na'an and even now in Hai'an. When Master Mo mentioned you were interested in my humble shop, I felt greatly honored you remembered our services."

"Don't thank me, be proud of your outstanding works. I've heard there's no previous customer of yours that doesn't come back."

Madam Yan was silently pleased. "That is so. You can count on me, you'll be the most beautiful woman."

"I'll have to thank you in advance." Li Wei touched the next roll of silk and casually asked, "How are the wedding preparations for Lan'er?"

Madam Yan, who arrived to Hai'an not long ago, naturally had the most recent scoops on the matter. "There was a change in the lead embroiderer, so the wedding is delayed to early next year. Our shop was only responsible for providing the materials and not the detailed works. Li Wei, at this rate, you might even marry before your cousin does."

Li Wei gave a polite smile. The doors opened and a woman strolled in.

"It's not yet been half a year since you came to Hai'an and the crown prince is already head over heels for you. You surely have a talent, Li Wei," Mo Shufen remarked.

Li Wei didn't look up from what she was doing. "En, would you like some tips? Maybe you'll also be able to secure a husband of noble heritage? If not, my father is the royal advisor after all, he can certainly pull a couple strings to make it happen."

"Li Wei!" Mo Shufen screamed in rage.

Ah, the typical scream of hatred for her name. It had been so long since someone called her in that way, she kind of missed hearing it. Li Wei walked towards the stairs. "If it's not too meddlesome, I'd like to take my measurements today."

"That's perfect, we'll have more time to work on the dress. Yan Ruo, come in here!"

Li Wei held the woman's arm. "May I bother you to take my measurements instead? I want there to be no mistakes, as this will be my first official introduction. My dress must be of the best fitting."

"Of course, that's no problem." Madam Yan took Li Wei to a private changing room and quickly took her measurements.

"Are you sure it's not too much trouble to have you personally make the dress?" She asked.

"It's an honor."

Li Wei smiled in relief. "I'll put my trust on you then."

Madam Yan smiled back. "Of course."

"San'er, come help me with my clothes."

San'er quickly entered the room once Madam Yan left. Looking at the young miss, she couldn't help noticing the soft skin and the half exposed bosoms. Although they were both women, her cheeks turned pink. "Miss, you're so beautiful... no wonder the prince can't go a day without seeing you."

Li Wei laughed at the innocent girl's half opened mouth. "Do you like it? Aunt Rin got me a bunch of soaps and shampoos. I haven't even looked through them all. Try it later and let me know if you like it."

San'er nodded happily, walking behind Li Wei as they came back down.

Mo Shufen, who pretended to busy but was actually waiting, opened her mouth. Before she could speak, Li Wei did not give her that chance. "Send any questions or messages to Yue Manor. If there's no issues, I'll expect my orders to arrive promptly five days from now."

Pausing at the doorway, her hair glowed golden. She smiled, but didn't turn back. "Any bonuses will be considered afterwards."