Twirled Between The Sheets

*Skip if you're young or uncomfortable.*

When the soft mattress met her back, a tender kiss was planted on her forehead. His body fell beside her and for a while, the only sound in the room was their breathing.

Khan Bojing was the first to speak. He recognized the embroidery style instantly. "So you've been searching for my mother...?"

"Yebai, I'm so sorry. I didn't know it'd be your mother." What started as an innocent side mission turned out to be a royal matter. Li Wei's growing suspicions weren't confirmed until they visited his parents and she saw the familiar brocade Mother Xu kept.

There was another long pause. He needed a moment to himself and she didn't pressure.

When he spoke again, his words were carefully chosen, "Xiao Wei, there are some things you don't know about my family... but I think you should know, as my wife."

"You don't have to tell me anything you're not ready to share," she gently reminded him.

"No, it's something you should know. You're my family now," he said firmly.

His stared nothing in particular, but the look in his eyes became distant. "My father was originally not the favored prince. All his life, he stood in the shadow of my uncle until an unfortunate accident rendered my uncle's legs useless. He was suddenly pushed into the spotlight and in his darkest moments, he met and fell in love with my mother. She was brave, she was strong, and she brought out the best in him."

The pain of the past was coming back to haunt him. She squeezed his hand.

"When the time came, they rose to accept the throne. Xiao Wei, my mother gave up her dreams to build this kingdom with my father. She created a family on the cold grounds of the palace. She gave everything to get my father to the sky. Then, everything came tumbling back down to bury her..." His voice that was always so strong faltered.

"At the height of his success and glory, my father betrayed her. He announced the death of my mother in the morning and spread news of his upcoming marriage by evening."

She wiped the single teardrop that rolled down his cheek and nestled into his chest.

Khan Bojing held onto her tightly. "My mother stood, breathing while her name was pronounced dead to the world. But life is funny sometimes and karma sure has its way of playing around. My new mother, Chu Fangyin, was forced into this whole ordeal. She never loved my father."

"Although we don't get along, we had never truly hated each other. Poke enough to mess with, but not enough to kill. Perhaps you can call this mutual respect and acknowledgement of one's rival's sufferings. Sometimes, you may even find the comfort in seeing your enemy alive because that means you are not alone in your pain." A small smile bloomed on Khan Bojing's face. It sounded ridiculous spoken aloud, but in its own way, was bitterly hilarious.

Li Wei's thoughts whirled around. She... she had never thought of this. Didn't they hate each other? Did Chu Fangyin not tried to assassinate him on multiple occasions?

He laughed at her dumbfounded expression. "Why do you think she chose to become infertile after the birth of my sister?"

"What? That was out her own will?!"

"Silly, that's her own way of torturing my father."

Li Wei was sure she looked like a fool at this point, blinking slowly and trying to make sense of the information. Chu Fangyin was this intricate...?

Khan Bojing flicked her forehead. "Silly, how will you survive in the palace without me?"

"How's that possible when she tried to kill you at every turn?"

"Chu Fangyin is horrible at showing her affections, and she'll never admit to ever caring about me, but what no one can deny is that she was the one who brought me back into the palace," he explained. "She wanted to make it seem as if she hated me, maybe a couple scratches here and there, but she never intended to kill me."

Li Wei wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. Her confused face made him roared into laughter, "Don't worry, it took years before I understood. I guess you can say, if I died she'd be too lonely."

"I'm not sure how to feel about that," she muttered. "I'll have to think this one through..."

"Don't think of anyone else, they can all wait until tomorrow," he said, moving dangerously close. "Tonight is just you and me. Just think about us."

"Wait a second, about Hua Xifeng--" she began.

Khan Bojing bit her earlobe, earning a small gasp from her. "We're not talking about that Na'an prince until the sun burns."

"..." Li Wei examined him carefully. This jealous side of him was rarely shown to her. She wanted to slap his arm and hug him simultaneously.

"Too handsome?" He grinned.

She rolled herself over, sitting on his abdomen. Her long hair cascaded down one side as she leaned in alluringly. "So handsome that I want you all to myself."

He beamed in amusement. "Is that right?"

Li Wei took off towards the large window, her soft giggles tinkling like bells behind her trail. From behind the sheer white curtains, her seductive eyes beckoned him over. "Come find out for yourself."

In a split second, her back was pressed against the wall. There was a kiss on her cheek, then another on her neck. Before long, his lips reached and lingered on the valley of her breasts. A small red mark appeared next to her crescent birthmark.

Khan Bojing's husky voice infused with lust brought a blush to her cheeks, "Xiao Wei, I need you..."

The belt on her waist soon became undone and her shoulders were bare. He nipped her collarbone then captured a pink bud into his mouth. A moan of pleasure escaped her lips as the tingling sensation surged from her chest down to her belly.

She clutched him closer. Even when they were touching skin to skin, she craved for him.

The skirt bunched up on her waist from their movements lasted for a second before he decided it was a bother and tossed it to the floor. He laid her gently back on the bed. His palms swirled up her legs, leaving a trail of fire where he last touched.

Her hips arched to meet his fingers that dipped between her thighs. She melted in his hands. The teasing strokes against her folds, playing around but withdrawing, drove her wild. Her soaked core throbbed uncomfortably. She whimpered in protest, "Husband..."

There was no effort made to conceal the clear mischief in his eyes. Ask for it.

Her round, teary eyes pleaded silently.

Khan Bojing shook his head.

"Yebai, give it to me..."

One finger slipped in, then another joined. The wet sounds of his fingers entering and leaving her entrance made her heart pound in anticipation.

Li Wei fumbled with the belt on his waist, almost forgetting how to untie it in her rush. He gave a deep chuckle as he waited patiently. When the belt came off, she threw it with his shirt to the floor.

The contours of his body, the muscles on his arms, and his defined abs were irresistibly highlighted by the moonlight filtering in through the window. Her finger tapped on his heart. "So beautiful."

His eyes sparkled in mischief, never allowing such a good chance to pass, "Just beautiful there?"

Her fingers twisted the waistband of his pants teasingly. Their eyes stayed locked, as if caught in a spell. Li Wei pulled Khan Bojing down until her lips could whisper directly to his ear, "My love, you are beautiful everywhere."

A tingle slowly spread from where her breath kissed his ear and coursed through his body. He covered her honey lips with his own and in one swift move, thrusted his swollen manhood into her wetness.

The hoarse, fierce moan from him echoed into her ears. The bed moved and creaked each time he left and met her again. His large hands held her round backside, coaxing and soothing. Her hips quivered in pleasure as he continuously plunged deeply inside.

The traces of her fingernails digging onto his back left behind marks of their passionate lovemaking late into the night.


It was dawn when she awoke. The smallest crack of sunlight glowed from the window curtains.

Khan Bojing's strong arms clung to her possessively even in his sleep, refusing to let go. Her petite frame laid over him, her eyes still closed. The silence in the house combined with the comforting thump of his heartbeat brought calmness to her mind. She brushed his hair back and pressed her lips lightly to his forehead.

His eyelashes trembled. Realizing he had awaken, Li Wei hurriedly tried to pull back, but he quickly tightened his arms around her slender waist. He squeezed both of her breasts and gave each one a long kiss before peering up at her. "Morning, sweetheart."

"M-morning," she shyly responded.

With her bare body in such close proximity, his eager fingers drew circles on her belly before quickly moving downwards. The surprising wetness that met his fingers made his lips curled.

The longing in his gaze made her blush helplessly. Li Wei bent down to kiss him. Her tongue parted his lips and ventured inside.

"Want to do it again?"

Her closed eyes fluttered open and she instantly locked eyes with him. A smile appeared on her face. She nodded.

He flipped her around, her breasts pressing against the mattress and her nipples rubbing the sheets.

From behind, he huskily whispered, "Let's try it from the back."