Pirates (Part 6)

The pirate ship modified from the military vessel was comparably faster than Hui Yi Hao, so after a dozen or so seconds, it was already within the 1,250-meter range.

This was already within the shooting range of the M110, but Feng Luo did not hurry to shoot. He was not sure how high the AI of these pirates were. If they were like the rebel army, once they were attacked, they would react with the correct tactic, which is to immediately hide. Then, even if they had sniper rifles, they would not be able to eliminate many pirates.

So the best way was to wait and only shoot when the pirate ship entered Black Panther's range. This way, both of them would be sniping, and they would be able to kill as many pirates as they could before they hid. After another two minutes. The pirates finally entered the 1,000-meter range.

"We can now start!" Feng Luo half-crouched on the ground, and with his sniper rifle raised, he aimed at his first target.
