Pirates (Part 8)

"It's the Captain!" Black Panther called out into the group channel. His intent was clear.

"The Heavy Armor Warrior is also an Elite," Feng Luo replied. "I'm guessing it won't be easy to break through his shield!"

"I have a grade-C energy armor-piercing round," Black Panther muttered. "It'll break down any armor grade-C or below by 100 percent. Even if his shield is extra thick, two or three more bullets will do the job!"

Feng Luo was speechless. He had to admit, you really could do whatever you wanted if you were rich.

As an Expert in ammunition, he naturally knew about the energy armor-piercing rounds. Besides having extremely high damage, this type of ammunition also increased attack by 20 percent with the addition of 100 points of non-attribute energy damage. It was safe to say that this bullet was one of the best among grade-C ammunition.