Invading the Mastermind


The energy core of a Level-45 Normal-rank Mecha Octopus was destroyed by Feng Luo with a single shot. Its metallic body threw out a series of sparks, and all eight robotic tentacles immediately fell to the ground. However, a Level-44 Mecha Mantis instantly appeared right after it fell, moving four of its black metallic joints across the Mecha Octopus. It then started to swing its allow blade—which whirred at high speed like a chainsaw—slashing at Feng Luo's head.


Neutron Star, who was standing beside Feng Luo, responded quickly. He lifted two of his alloy longswords to block the attack.

The Light Armor Warrior managed to block the attack with his Level-25 skill "Parry," which helped to remove the majority of the force and damage from the Mecha Mantis's attack.