Pet Biochip

Two days later, Appraisal Office, Storm City.

"This… is the biochip?"

Feng Luo sat in Master Roland's appraisal room, staring keenly at the liquid encased within a test tube clamped in a vice on the table. Its color was similar to the FX-9 type nano liquid material—pale blue, just like colored water. But when shaken, it was as viscous as mercury. These liquids that looked like they could be drinks were biochips?

Of course they were chips! Before biochips were injected into biological bodies, they were in liquid form. After being injected into the body using a special injector, a tiny chip core would be formed in the center of the material. And the rest of the liquid would merge with human flesh and blood as nanoparticles, regulating the body under the control of the chip.