
Energy Shield Breaking Bullet (Model I). C-Grade Ammunition.

Increases attack power by 20% and additional energy damage by 100 points. It has a very strong damaging effect against C-grade and lower level defenses and an additional 5% final damage effect.

When Feng Luo opened the box and saw the 150 rounds of special armor-piercing bullets neatly placed and emitting a faint blue light, a thought flashed through his mind.

This is an authentic C-grade bullet!

Energy shield breaking bullets were known to be highly expensive. The market value of a single round was at least 500 credits. It was also appraised as special ammunition with attributes as high as B-grade. These had been used by Black Panther in the previous mission. The damage dealt by one shot was equivalent to four or five shots of C-grade double armor-piercing rounds from Feng Luo.