The Mutant Rat Commander


A single slash from an alloy sword cut off the weighty chains that hung on the iron gate. The chains then dropped heavily to the ground, blocking the surging Suicide Bombeetles from outside the building.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

An intense noise of collision came from the other end of the gate. The noise went on for a while and slowly faded away.

"Finally! A little peace!" Chairman Jiao sighed while leaning against the wall in the basement.

"I don't think so!" Feng Luo suddenly said, looking at a specific location.

The players' hearing was still not yet fully recovered. They had only just escaped from the terrible bombing noises of the Suicide Bombeetles. However, Feng Luo—through his keenly enhanced hearing capability—could clearly sense that the gloomy basement was not actually silent. No—technically speaking, it was an underground parking garage for a residential building rather than a basement.