Golden King Beetle

The extremely intense war of attrition had lasted for a whole night.

From having the upper hand initially to slowly losing, followed by gradually winning their advantage back bit by bit through attrition, the players experienced an emotional roller coaster. The up and downs turned their initially boosted confidence into anxiety, then reignited their hope at the end of the journey.

When the fight reached the second half of the midnight hour, the broken "idol" that linked all the underpasses was secretly reconnected by the Gatherer Beetles. Shortly after that, a fair amount of various beetles, none of them higher than Level 20, appeared from inside and intended to surround the players from behind.

However, at this time, the first batch of players who had been killed by the Suicide Bombeetles were revived and rushed over from Silvermoon City (the nearest city) and rejoined the battle.

The players now had the upper hand!