First Pet in War

Since you are the first player who has gotten a pet in War, you are hereby awarded a special badge of honor, which has been sent to your inventory.

When Feng Luo had first gone online after the system was updated, he respawned in his room in Silvermoon City. Just then, there was a notification of the good news.


Feng Luo stopped in his tracks. Never would it have crossed his mind that the online game War would offer awards for trailblazers. Was he dreaming?

However, based on the name, "badge of honor," it sounded like a simple memento, so he didn't expect too much from its attributes. He was not in a hurry to look for it in his inventory. Instead, he was excited about checking on his pet that he had worked so hard to gain.

Regarding the incident of taming the Golden King Beetle, he could roughly guess that he had succeeded, as it was only by taming it that he had managed to boost his points, although he had experienced an early death.