Brother Ling

Business Building, Landing Terminal, Storm City.

When Feng Luo entered the lobby, he saw Sister Rui and Mu Zi, who were wearing the same SU series combat uniforms, unexpectedly walking in from the other exit.

"Brother Feng!"

Mu Zi's sharp eyes spotted Feng Luo immediately.

"Hey, Mu Zi! Sister Rui! What a coincidence!"

Feng Luo was actually preparing to go directly to the gathering place, but it was actually better that he had unexpectedly met the other two. His relationships with Sister Rui and Mu Zi was much closer than those he had with his colleagues.

Mu Zi was pretty observant, so he noticed Feng Luo's new tactical belt straight away. "Huh? Brother Feng, you leveled up so quickly? The tactical belt you're wearing is Level 41. I was using it, too, previously."