Zombie Dog (Part 1)

The dim moon hung on the night sky, shaped like a crescent as it drifted quietly toward the west.

In the hotel, all of the players who participated in the mission were gathered in a room, except for Sha Lang, Young Master Lin and two other players who were in the same group. At that moment, a heated argument broke out from the room.

"What? You want to go explore the Umbrella's sanatorium at this hour? Absolutely not!" Brother Ling's voice boomed loudly through the team channel as he sternly refused their proposal.

One of Young Master Lin's followers, the Earth Energy Manipulator channel replied coldly over the team channel. "Do you expect us to just sit here and do nothing? You must be aware that the identity camouflage chip only lasts for five days. If we cannot complete our mission within that time frame, who knows what might happen? It has already been three days since we did anything at all—it's as if we really came to sightsee as tourists!"