Biohazard, Commence!

Less than 10 meters away from Feng Luo, on the rooftop of the inpatient hospital, a scientific researcher who wore a full protective suit faced the terminal field in front of him. He was sweating profusely while knocking on something anxiously.


"What happened?"

At that moment, a suspended virtual screen popped up from the computer terminal in front of him. The cold face of Wesker with sunglasses appeared on it.

"There was an accident in the hospital. An infected patient was severely mutated. We injected him with a tenfold dose of sedative, but it worsened, and it started to mutate even faster! He attacked dozens of people, including the guards…"

Beads of sweat started forming on the forehead of the Umbrella Corporation's staff member who was wearing a hazmat suit, as he spoke incoherently.

"Has he been injected with a tracker before?" Wesker's voice was cold and did not fluctuate.