Tyrant Rematch

"Good heavens, has he already completely transformed?" asked Feng Luo as he cast "Quick Sneak," rushing toward the top of the Guard Bureau building.

He raised his head and looked to the side and sighed. He could see the Tyrant, which was about four meters tall, on the hospital building. It had a muscular physique. The gigantic claws on its right hand grew almost as long as its body, and the surface of the reddish muscles that had originally been exposed had evolved into a more chitinous material.

"Tyrant T-000 (Level 45 Solo Type Commander). Species Code: ? HP: 500,000. Base HP regeneration speed 500 per second…"

Mu Zi was behind Feng Luo, notifying everyone of the enemy's data that he got from using the skill Detection. Other data aside, an HP regeneration of 1 percent every second was undoubtedly an overpowered attribute.