The Last Battle (Part 2)

The shop that Sister Rui and the others had chosen to hide in was tightly sealed. It was because of this that they were able to hold off the Umbrella Corporation and the enemy players' attacks. However, it was also because of this that Feng Luo could not find any suitable shooting position from outside, so he could only choose to run over there to execute his attack.

For a Sniper to be forced to fight a close-range battle inside a sealed shop, there was definitely no other choice. If it were anyone else, the situation would have been fine, but the mission target, Locke, absolutely could not die. Otherwise, the hard work of everyone over the past few days would all be in vain!

Feng Luo ran at full tilt. At the same time, he switched his weapons to the Desert Eagle. Although the Desert Eagle was only a Level 39 weapon, the 10 percent increase in movement speed, a rare attribute, was extremely useful in such a situation.