Desert Fire Ant Commander



A normal armor-piercing bullet shot out of the Eye of the Thunder muzzle and flew across approximately 700 meters before hitting the Desert Fire Ants that were also "flying" in the air.

The reason the ants were said to be "flying in the air" was that in the Eye of the Thunder's sights, in the entire night sky, countless red, bullet-like things looked like they were flying.

Desert Fire Ants—also called Desert Bullet Ants! The bullet ant nickname was not like the insect on Earth with the same name where its name came from the fact that after being bitten by the creature, the pain was like being hit with a bullet. Plus, the body of the fire ant was long and slender like the bullet of a sniper rifle, and when it jumped, it moved extremely quickly, just like a bullet. The great force generated by its impact was just like a bullet!