W-virus Enhancement Potion

After five days, on the highest floor of the 250-story gold and gray skyscraper inside Storm City… 

"Is it necessary?" said a voice whose tone was filled with doubt.


"How much?"

"At least 1,000 ml!"

"Can you take less?"

"No!" The answer was firm.

"All right, then…" 

Feng Luo rolled up his sleeves in resignation as he looked at Lin, who wore her black-bordered high-tech glasses while completely focused on him. She inserted a blood-extraction device attached with a transparent test tube into his arm. Fresh blood flowed into the test tube through three silver needles on the device that automatically tracked down blood.

As his blood was being extracted, since he didn't have anything to do, Feng Luo raised his head and looked outside the window where an airship would occasionally fly across the sky.