A Piece of Cake? A Trap?

All three mission targets in the portraits that appeared in the agent glasses were yellow-skinned men of average height. Except for Amaha Eiji, who was slightly plump, they did not have many defining characteristics.

But when Feng Luo saw these portraits and videos, he instantly recalled what he had seen on a screen before. It had been during the first part of the investigation from before, when the two white-collared NPCs had shown him a screen full of words and pictures requiring half an hour of memorization. The portraits of these three people had been on it.

However, the photography angle and clothing were different in those portraits and in the videos now. If not for him clearly remembering those details, it would have been difficult to match the two.

But matching them up now, Feng Luo already had a guess.

"Could it be that the mission targets to be hunted down now are the people from those more than 100 photographs from before?"