Chaos at the Landing Point


The radius of the flaming tornado rising from the ground into the air was astonishingly huge. In an instant, it clashed with the vehicle squad that was speeding over.

The energy aircraft, traveling in auto-pilot mode, were not prepared for such a situation. Even though the intelligent program had instantly reacted, most of them were still devoured by the Fiery Windstorm.

Since they were luxury aircraft, they were incomparable to average vehicles. As they were sucked in by the flames one by one, the tops of the aircraft projected semi-transparent energy forcefields!

Although this Fiery Windstorm skill was a Level-40 skill, its power was clearly dispersed significantly due to its huge radius, and as such, it was unable to destroy the forcefields around the high-end aircraft.

But there was no need to be anxious! This Fiery Windstorm was actually like an attack signal—a signal that lured out countless players who took the bait!