The First Death

"And these are all the rules!"

"Well then, let me now ask everyone to put on your own intelligent parachute devices yourselves. We will be arriving at our game location in a moment—the skies of Death Hunter Island!

On the virtual screen at the top of the cabin after Yamamoto Ichiro finished, the wall made a clack sound, and many small black airborne devices hung down, suspended from an opening in the ceiling of the transport cabin.

"No way. Skydiving?"

"We're parachuting? Aren't we landing directly on the island?"

"F*ck this! I don't know how to do it at all. Plus, it's nighttime now!"

"What the heck is this? The system is kidding us! Jumping from this height, what if we fell into the sea?"

"Damn it, I have a serious fear of heights!"