A Fight Between a Sniper and a Clam

Upon seeing the damage exceed 1,500, the Sniper was delighted. 

"There's a chance!"

He knew that theoretically, the HP of a Light Armor Warrior—even one who had focused on increasing the vitality stat—in a "naked" state would not have more than 5,000 HP! And judging by the damage inflicted just now, he could see that the defense of the Light Armor Warrior with the somewhat strange eyes was lower than he'd expected.

As things stood, he only needed, at most, three shots to get rid of this enemy! Of course, this was also because the pistol was a 12.7mm, and its attack was not low among Level-40 pistols!

The Sniper calmed his mind. He did not waste any time before aiming and firing again immediately after the incredibly short cooldown period of the pistol was up!


The second shot was also aimed at the chest of the dark shadow that appeared to be a Light Armor Warrior.

However, the Sniper's chest tightened. His second shot had missed!