Upper Hand

"You in the hole! Your best choice now is actually to stay inside and not come out! In this way, you still ought to have quite a high chance of surviving this one hour with your position exposed while being hunted down by all the people on this island."

After the highly precise shot, which had made Bowl of Instant Noodles' eyes close out of reflex, the "sickening" Sniper's voice faintly reached his ears.

Hearing that "sickening" Sniper outside speaking once more, Bowl of Instant Noodles yelled out uncontrollably, "What do you mean by that?!"

"I'm prepared to borrow this situation—your position being exposed on everyone's map—to do some things. You not coming out would be more beneficial to both you and I. I think you ought to understand!"

"Borrowing my exposed position on everyone's map…"

Bowl of Instant Noodles' mind spun quickly, understanding what Feng Luo meant in just a few seconds!