“Quality” Machine Gunner

"F*ck, so unlucky!"

A machine gunner player with quite a lot of quality but unlocked equipment on him was running quickly through a large area of short bushes.

Being a machine gunner player, it had to be said that this so-called "battle royale" game was actually extremely unfriendly to him. As the machine gun could not be taken out of the backpack at right from the start due to its high "unlock" price, he could only rely on combat with his military knife. Luckily for him, he had depended on his unusual skills and had killed quite a few people, so he wasn't lagging too far behind.

This afternoon, he had finally accumulated enough points and unlocked his quality machine gun. Only then had he realized that the bullets were actually the true biggest consumption. It was one point to unlock one machine gun bullet. He would only be able to unlock a few hundred bullets and then all his points would be spent.