



A loud earth-shattering explosion accompanied by a bluish-white energy ball with a radius of over ten meters devoured the trees and plants on top of the large boulder. The trees and vegetation, their roots as well as the earth they sat on top of, even the rocks underneath the earth were all blasted away by the explosion

"That was close!" Feng Luo looked relieved as he turned around to see the aftermath of the explosion caused by the energy core that the Hunter had thrown toward them. The explosion had completely obliterated a small portion of the large boulder.

It was a good thing that when he selected his sniping position, he always considered his escape route for when emergencies occurred. So this time, the instant the Hunter threw the energy core towards him, he quickly jumped behind the boulder.

Although the edge of the explosion still took out around 3,000 of his HP, it wasn't much of a problem.