Sniping with a Forest in Between

Three players! Moreover, they did not look weak and were confident enough to kill a Hunter together!

Moreover, the third Sniper player appeared to be a wealthy player. He kept shooting those shield-breaking energy bullets with blue glow toward the T-750 Hunter on the beach, showing no intention of being economical. Although he wasn't very accurate—and could not hit the same spot twice to directly break the alloy armor of the T-750 like Feng Luo—as long as he was willing to spend these bullets that cost at least 500 credits per round, no matter how tough the defense, he would be able to break it eventually!

Also, his "low accuracy" was only in comparison to Feng Luo. Truth be told, one should know that it was practically impossible for normal players to hit the spot twice with a margin of error of less than one or two centimeters on a target that was constantly moving! There must have been fewer than 50 people capable of doing something like that throughout War!