Eye of the Thunder, Bid!

Big Pineapple looked at September Night Rain's fake smile on Feng Luo's screen and asked, "Eh? Doesn't this guy look familiar?"

As it was dark and raining heavily when they had the group battle on Death Hunter Island, Big Pineapple, who was a Light Armor Warrior at the time, hadn't really seen September Night Rain's face.

However, upon seeing September Night Rain's face, which was amazingly popular with young boys and girls, Big Pineapple seemed to recognize him.

"Oh, that's right. I remember… Isn't this guy the Wind Manipulator that you took out one-on-one the day before yesterday?" Big Pineapple asked teasingly. "Geez, looks like this guy is a superstar player, and he looks pretty damn popular!"

"Old Feng, if you mention on the forum that you completely crushed him and even made him lose all his equipment, perhaps some of these female players will become your fans!"