Whisper of the Wind Equipment Set, Auction Start!


In number 11 box, the Red Queen's face was very calm, but her bid was a 500,000 credit raise! She was clearly trying to convey her tenacity—she must get this Intelligence Enhancement Potion!


But the male voice from number 1 box did not show any sign of backing down, and the new bid was similarly a raise of 500,000 credits!

"F*ck, already exceeded 10,000,000 and it's still rising!"

"I'm going to faint!"

All the observers were envious of the two remaining bidders, but they were also filled with curiosity, all wanting to know what kind of shocking price this little "Enhancement Potion" would be sold at!


The Red Queen in box 11 creased her eyebrows as she raised once again.

This time, it was directly raised by an entire 1,000,000 credits!
