Wind God?

"Congratulations to our VIP client in box number one who successfully bought the grand finale item of our auction, the first Legendary item in War, the Desert Crown, for 999,999,999 credits!"

"This legendary crown which also symbolizes the king of a Manipulator's items!"

On the golden stage, the face of the female auctioneer flushed red. Her long and slender white thighs trembled in excitement as she shouted those words.

However, she wasn't the only one who was excited; the entire auction hall was also in an uproar!

Although the one billion credits weren't connected to them in any way, the incredibly high price showed one thing to the players: War had unlimited potential! Opportunities were endless!

Many players probably thought that if they got lucky and obtained a Legendary item, they would become rich in an instant and stand atop the peak of life!

Legendary equipment! Legendary equipment!