24K’s Hidden Mission

"It's beetles from Lu Conglomerate's City Building Mission! And there's a lot of them!" Rose Thorns quickly retracted her head and shouted to the players looking at her weird.

"What? Those beetles?" All of the players present took part in the City Building Mission, so naturally, they knew what Rose Thorns meant. That was also why everyone was looking worse than before!

It was because even though the beetles they fought during the City Building mission were also gregarious monsters, their individual strength was far greater than normal gregarious monsters, particularly the Bladed Beetles, Spray Beetles, and Steel Beetles. They were not inferior to normal solo-type monsters at all!

More impressive was the synchronization and cooperation between different types of beetles. In the beginning, they created a lot of problems for the players!

"We're finished. No way we can fight them and win. It looks like we can only try again next time!"